team soscuisine vincent

Vincent Crête, our Technical Director with an Unusual Background

May 31, 2021 No Comments

Many of you have been curious to learn more about the SOSCuisine team. Behind the website, recipes, newsletter and professional services, there is a multitude of talent and expertise to inspire you and help you to eat better. This week, we introduce Vincent, our technical director (and most tenured employee!) at SOSCuisine.

article conseils énergie energy

7 Tips To Help You Have More Energy All Day

April 21, 2021 No Comments

Are you the type of person who wakes up tired, has droopy eyes in the afternoon, is unable to find the motivation to move after a day’s work, and even possibly gets angry easily? We’re about to give you 7 helpful tips so that you can have more energy all throughout the day!

Fruits riches en eau

2021: International Year of Fruits and Vegetables

January 25, 2021 No Comments

The United Nations is marking 2021 as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, spotlighting their vital role in human nutrition and food security, as well as urging efforts to improve sustainable production and reduce waste.

méditation yoga

Gastrointestinal Disorders and Stress From Confinement

November 23, 2020 No Comments

Lack of physical activity, poor food choices, stress and anxiety, are all reasons that can lead to suffering from gastrointestinal disorders during this period of pandemic uncertainty.

10 Super-Efficient Recipes for Solo Cooking

November 14, 2020 4 Comments

Eating well while living alone can be a challenge. First you have to find the motivation to cook for yourself, then you have to know how to add enough variety so you are not eating the same thing all week. Don’t worry: We’re going to give you our best tips for cooking quickly and efficiently […]


How to “Eat Keto” at a Restaurant in 5 Easy Steps

September 30, 2019 No Comments

When following a strict ketogenic diet, restaurant outings need to be well organized so that one doesn’t consume too many carbohydrates without meaning to.

Sugar Substitutes – Should You Use Them?

September 13, 2019 No Comments

With low carb diets becoming more and more popular many people are looking for ways to decrease their sugar intake. A promising solution seems to be sugar substitutes. Potentially, providing you with fewer carbs – or even none- they appear to be the perfect alternative to regular sugar. But are they really?

How to Tame Your Sweet Tooth in 10 Easy Steps

September 13, 2019 No Comments

Almost everyone has heard at some point in their life that they should eat less sugar. Maybe you’ve already tried to do this and you have been successful – in that case congratulations! But for those who haven’t tried or think that it would be too hard I would like to offer you some practical […]

Food and Wine Pairings: The Basic Rules

September 2, 2019 No Comments

Matching up wines and foods is important to create a beautiful harmony in a meal. While there are many books, magazines and websites with detailed guidelines on how to pair food and wine, there are some simple basic rules that you can learn and apply in no time. I will show you how to pair […]

The French Gourmet Meal is Recognized by UNESCO

July 8, 2019 No Comments

French gastronomy means more than just a great meal. It is a social and cultural practice that celebrates the important moments of life. In 2010, it was officially inscribed on the list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity.


Psyllium, a Small Healthy Seed

April 27, 2019 No Comments

Recognized for millennia for its health benefits, psyllium is a perennial herb native to India, with tiny seeds (1,000 seeds weigh less than 2 g), hence its name from the Greek psyllia, which means flea. The seeds can be black, brown or blond depending on the species. Like chia seeds, once in contact with a […]

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