
Four Tips to Reduce Your Grocery Bill

October 27, 2021 No Comments

To reduce your grocery bill there are 4 fairly simple and helpful tactics that you can follow which can be summed up in one simple sentence: 1. Plan, 2. Take advantage of discounts, 3. Cook, 4. Reduce food waste. Let’s explore in more detail how best to do this:

TOP 10: Quick 20-Minute Recipes

October 8, 2021 No Comments

You need to prepare a good meal in a breeze? It’s possible. And we are not talking about canned food recipes or warming up some previously prepared food. The secret to put real food on the table in no time is cooking smart with flavour-packed recipes that do the thinking for you. Here’s our selection of […]

Recettes avec des raisins

TOP 10 : Unconventional Grapes Recipes

September 22, 2021 No Comments

We most often eat grapes in our snacks and we less often think of incorporating them into our more elaborate recipes. While a must-have on a cheese board, they can add a nice sweet touch to many dishes, from salads to stews. To help you savor fresh grapes as well as raisins, here are ten […]

Ketone Bodies

Ketone Bodies To Slow Down Brain Aging?

September 14, 2021 1 Comment

It is estimated that nearly one in five Canadians over the age of 65 experience symptoms of mild cognitive impairment, such as memory loss, and impaired judgment and thinking skills. In the long term, about 50% will develop a neurodegenerative disorder, most often Alzheimer’s disease. Could ketone supplements help slow down cognitive decline? The answer […]

maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin: quoi manger

What To Eat When You Have Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

August 26, 2021 3 Comments

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes a group of conditions whose two main forms are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. These diseases cause inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract and disrupt the body’s capacity to digest and absorb nutrients. People with IBD may experience acute periods of symptoms (active phase) and other periods when […]

TOP 10 Creative Bell Pepper Recipes

August 9, 2021 No Comments

Bell peppers are available year-round, but they’re at their best in late summer, when they’re more likely to come from a local farm! Delicious and versatile, they beautifully color our dishes, whether they are eaten raw or cooked, grilled or roasted. To make the most of them, here are ten succulent recipes with brightly colored […]

Oxana pregnancy meal plan

Oxana’s Testimonial on our Pregnancy Meal Plans

July 10, 2021 No Comments

Did you know that SOSCuisine brings together members from all over the world? Here is the testimony of Oxana, one of our subscribers who lives in Russia. Whether for her last pregnancy, vegetarianism or lactose intolerance, she has been using our meal plans for years!

Trending Diets in Cardiovascular Health: How to Choose?

July 5, 2021 No Comments

This article presents a summary of the key points of the conference given on June 3, 2021 as part of the seminar “Cardiology in Everyday Life” (in French) organized by Médecins francophones du Canada in partnership with the Montreal Heart Institute.

TOP 10 Scrumptious American Recipes

June 29, 2021 No Comments

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of “American cuisine” are classics like burgers, hot dogs, fried chicken, and pancakes. However American cuisine is quite diverse, having being influenced by the influx of immigrants from many different nations and the variety of climate and soils. On July 4, Independence Day in the […]

Prediabetes Meal Plans : Luce’s Testimonial

June 21, 2021 No Comments

Here is the testimony of one of our members, Luce, who had a positive experience with the Prediabetes and Healthy meal plans.

Herbes épices carminatives

Carminative Foods to Help Get Rid of Intestinal Gas

June 18, 2021 2 Comments

Abdominal meteorism, an increase in the volume of the abdomen due to the accumulation of intestinal gas, is one of the most common symptoms of troubled digestive function and can affect almost one in every two people. The causes can be numerous, sometimes it can be a symptom of a more or less serious disease, […]

TOP 10: Canadian Recipes with Tasty Local Foods

June 18, 2021 No Comments

There are plenty of good reasons to eat local foods. We are reducing our ecological footprint and encouraging the local economy while enjoying the freshness of local food. It’s also a great way to celebrate our culinary and agricultural culture. Here are ten recipes to revisit our classics and rediscover our delicious Canadian produce.

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