Discover lamb

May 16, 2011 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on July 1, 2006. In the Quebec of days gone by, lamb was mostly reared for its wool, and was therefore only slaughtered at an advanced age for consumption, which resulted in flesh that was tough and leathery with a distinct flavour.

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Laugh out loud to live long and strong

May 10, 2011 No Comments

Laughter is a key element of a healthy life. No matter what you are facing, you can learn to laugh and benefit both physically and mentally. Here’s what the experts know about the health benefits of laughter:

Viva Mexico!

May 5, 2011 No Comments

Mexicans are celebrating “Cinco de Mayo” (Spanish for “fifth of May”) today. This holiday commemorates their victory over the French at Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. This is not the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico, but it is observed outside Mexico as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. You are […]


6 easy tips to make your own healthier recipes

April 13, 2011 No Comments

Choosing healthy foods is obviously the basis of healthy eating, but cooking them right is even more important. If you are following SOS Cuisine’s meal plans, you do not need to worry about that, because we already take it into account and minimize added fat, salt, etc. But if you cook your own recipes, here’s […]

Bananas may soon disappear

January 22, 2011 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on January 22, 2011. Although the banana tree is one of the oldest known plants, its fruit was apparently not eaten by our hunter-gatherer ancestors because it was not very fleshy and was full of many non-edible seeds. Evidence of the first banana cultivations for human consumption (dating […]

Extending the olive branch

December 9, 2010 No Comments

Mediterranean people have been using olive oil in their salty and sweet foods for almost 5,000 years. Over the past 10 years, olive oil has become a superstar on the world stage. This has to do with two things: Health benefits Great taste In fact, of all the vegetable oils, this one contains the maximum […]

World Diabetes Day

November 13, 2010 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on November 13, 2010. Tomorrow is World Diabetes Day (14th November) and its aim is to inform and sensitize the population about what has become a real pandemic: 285 million people around the world suffer from this disease. Canada has 2 million diabetics, although one third of them […]

Cumin, a World Cuisine Spice

October 23, 2010 No Comments

Cumin probably originated in the Nile valley or in Asia Minor, because its use in Egypt can be traced back to at least 5,000 years ago. In fact, cumin seeds were found in many Pharaoh’s tombs. The Bible speaks about the use of these seeds as tithes in Palestinian temples.

Workers’ Day

May 1, 2010 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on May 1, 2010. In many countries, May 1 is celebrated as International Workers’ Day (or May Day), whereas in North America, we celebrate the first Monday in September as Labour Day.

Belgian endive: a vegetable grown in the shade

February 25, 2010 No Comments

Belgian endive is in fact a type of chicory that was created by accident in Belgium in the 19th century, from wild chicory roots, which looked like elongated yellowish edible shoots.

Two prices, one single product

February 22, 2010 No Comments

‘Did these strawberries arrive by air or by boat?’ ‘Is this packaging recyclable?’ Do you ask these types of questions each time you visit the grocery store? If so, then you’re in luck, because the Europeans may have just found a solution to these questions that go unanswered all too often.


Lick your lips for just 1 Euro!

December 26, 2009 10 Comments

I have simply got to share with you the most fabulous discovery that I have made since my arrival in Italy: the raw milk vending machine! Newly arrived from a country where vending machines are the realm of empty calories and where raw milk cheeses are a delicate subject, I was absolutely stunned to see […]

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