Free trial of our MEAL SWAPPER feature: The winners are…

December 7, 2011 No Comments

Last week, we gave everyone the opportunity to try our meal swapper feature for a week, for free (see below). Many thanks to all those who sent us their comments. As promised, we have drawn two FREE 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTIONS to ‘SOS Cuisine PLUS’.

Packed like sardines

November 25, 2011 1 Comment

Canned food and gastronomy rarely go hand in hand, yet in Pinhais & CA., LDA , canned fish are, even today, traditionally prepared with the greatest attention to quality. Legend has it that even their preserves are the best in the world 😉

Fans of port wine

November 7, 2011 No Comments

I’m mad about port wine… like many Canadians apparently! During our visit to the Istituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto (IVDP), I was surprised to learn that Canada, in spite of its small population, is the 10th largest importer* of port wine in the world… and the Quebec Province alone represents 85% of Canadian […]

Éloïse’s culinary trip to Portugal

November 3, 2011 1 Comment

Wow! I’ve just returned from attending an amazing 10-day course in Portugal where we went to study Port wine (what else!) and the gastronomy of the city of Porto and the Douro valley.

Time for the winter basket

October 17, 2011 No Comments

If you liked the idea of taking advantage of “green baskets” during Summer, you can continue to support local farmers while eating local organic produce during Fall and part of Winter. The baskets contain vegetables such as garlic, carrots, potatoes, various types of squash, onions, leeks, radish, rutabaga, turnip, etc. They are all locally harvested […]

A good year for apples

October 15, 2011 1 Comment

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on October 15, 2011. While thousands of Quebecois are taking advantage of the pleasant October weather to enjoy their apples directly in the orchards, apple growers are taking stock of 2011.

Winemaker for a Day

September 22, 2011 No Comments

Did you know that you can now pick grapes in Quebec? From mid-September to mid-October, certain vineyards such as la Bauge and Domaine du Ridge invite visitors to become ‘winemakers for a day’ by taking part in grape picking and stomping, thereby working together to create their own vintage.

End-of-summer Potluck at SOS Cuisine – with great food!

September 13, 2011 No Comments

We took advantage of the beautiful days of late summer to organize a small party on the terrace of the office. For the fun of it, but also to say good bye to Takayo, our faithful staff member who returns to Japan after two years of loyal services, and to whom we say a big […]

A sandwich with an [almost] unlimited shelf life?

August 26, 2011 No Comments

Your favourite sandwich could soon remain unspoiled for years in your bag. Scientists at the University of Minnesota have discovered the astonishing properties of ‘bisin’, which is produced by naturally occurring, nontoxic bacteria, and which doesn’t cause any allergy. The beauty of this compound is that it kills harmful bacteria, including salmonella, listeria and the […]

Our “Heart-Healthy” Meal Plans snagged top spot of Best Diets Rankings

August 8, 2011 No Comments

A panel of 22 health experts including nutritionists and specialists in diabetes, heart health, human behavior, and weight loss, reviewed detailed assessments of the 20 most popular diets, and top-ranked the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet. We are very excited about this result, which proves the effectiveness of our Heart-Healthy Meal Plans. Indeed, […]

Petrol and coffee

July 2, 2011 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on July 2, 2011. Coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the world, after petrol. The coffee plant is cultivated in over 100 countries and more than 7 million tons of green coffee beans are produced annually. Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta are the two main […]

Journée mondiale sans tabac

May 31, 2011 No Comments

La journée mondiale sans tabac a lieu chaque année le 31 mai sous l’égide de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS). Le but de cette journée est d’attirer l’attention du public sur les avantages de la cessation tabagique et les ressources accessibles aux personnes qui désirent arrêter de fumer. Nous vous invitons à encourager vos […]

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