Is it really more expensive to eat healthy?

May 22, 2012 No Comments

The answer is NO! A study released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that healthy food actually costs less than junk food. Then, why do consumers have the opposite perception?


Happy Birthday, Sandwich

May 18, 2012 No Comments

To mark the 250th anniversary of the world’s most famous takeaway food, last Sunday, the British town of Sandwich, staged a dramatic re-enactment of the moment when the town’s earl “invented” the sandwich. As the legend says, in 1762, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu — a rapacious card-player — was on a winning […]

Taste of Kenya: Zebu milk yogurt with ash

March 2, 2012 No Comments

In my article dated 25 April 2011, in Africa!, I gave an all too brief account of my study trip to Kenya. I say “all too brief” because I realize that I didn’t even touch upon the traditional cuisine of the country! I intend to remedy the oversight through this article, because the Kenyan […]

Moroccan women

March 1, 2012 No Comments

It’s not for nothing that during our training in Morocco we met so many women: Moroccan women are great workers! Traditionally, they have always looked after children and taken care of household tasks. In the past few years, many of them have also started working outside the house… and they are very proud of it.

Maroc au féminin

March 1, 2012 No Comments

Ce n’est pas pour rien si durant notre stage au Maroc nous avons rencontré autant de femmes : les Marocaines sont de grandes travailleuses! Depuis toujours, elles s’élevaient les enfants et s’occupaient des tâches à la maison. Ces dernières années, elles ont été nombreuses à ajouter, à ces tâches, un travail à l’extérieur de la […]

Gastronomic panorama of Morocco (2nd part)

February 27, 2012 No Comments

Here we continue our gastronomic tour of Morocco…. 6. Camel Burger OK, I’ll admit that our menu at Café Clock, Camel Burger and cheesecake, was probably not typically Moroccan! Still, it was absolutely delicious and it would have been a shame to miss the opportunity to taste camel meat!

Gastronomic panorama of Morocco (1st part)

February 20, 2012 1 Comment

Those of you who’ve visited (or are planning to visit) Morocco probably did so for the architecture, the beaches, the desert or even the absolutely amazing landscapes there. In fact, few of us consider Morocco to be a destination for gastronomic tourism. However, Moroccan cuisine, a rich fusion of Berber, Arabic and Andalusian cuisines, is […]

bouquet fleurs saint-valentin romantique

Have a Happy and “Heart-Healthy” Valentine’s Day!

February 11, 2012 No Comments

February is not only the month in which Valentine’s Day falls, but also the month during which awareness is raised about the heart and cardiovascular diseases that attack so many of us (the cause of one third of all premature deaths in the population).

inspiration from bananas, l'inspiration des bananes

Save the Food From the Fridge

February 9, 2012 1 Comment

Jihyun Ryou, a graduate of the Dutch Design Academy Eindhoven, presented her innovative project ‘Save the Food From the Fridge’ as part of some lectures at the University of Gastronomic Sciences. It is after seeing an advertisement for Chiquita, which suggested that bananas should not be stored in the fridge, that Jihyun Ryou began to […]

How to read the Nutrition Facts Label

January 31, 2012 No Comments

If you’re following our meal plans, you don’t need to worry about counting calories, fat, carbohydrates, or anything else. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to the Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods, in order to make the right choices at the grocery store.

Burn 100 calories

How to burn 100 calories

January 16, 2012 1 Comment

Last week we talked about how to “trim” 100 calories or more from our daily diet. In this week’s post, I’d like to propose a few simple ways to burn 100 calories by introducing a bit of exercise into your daily routine. Choose the activity that suits you best or come up with something similar!

breakfast cereal

Children’s cereals: Too much sugar

December 19, 2011 2 Comments

An Environmental Working Group (EWG) review of 84 popular cereal brands found that one cup of any of 44 popular children’s cereals has more sugar than three Chips Ahoy cookies (11 grams or about 3 teaspoons). This review, which assessed cereals manufactured by Kellogg’s, Post, General Mills and Quaker, found that only one in four […]

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