Switch to bamboo tableware

December 28, 2012 No Comments

Traditionally used in Southeast Asia, bamboo tableware is light and strong like plastic, but much more elegant and environment friendly. In fact, bamboo grows very fast with very little water and no fertilizers or pesticides. Once cut, it regenerates easily from its rhizomes. Moreover, bamboo is 100% recyclable, so no pollution.

X’mas feast starring venison

December 22, 2012 No Comments

In a land of hunters like Canada, it’s a good idea to take advantage of the holiday season to ‘tame the game’… on our plate! So for your main dish this Christmas Eve, conjure up a stew that can be prepared with deer, roe, elk or even boar. Those that have no hunter friends can […]

Gogol Mogol: As easy as … cooking an egg!

December 14, 2012 2 Comments

Gogol-Mogol is a creative egg container & cooker that turns normal eggs into boiled ones, in just a few minutes. Designed by the Russian studio Kian, this innovative product won the first prize in the “Design It Yourself” contest of the European Packaging Design Association.

Quince Season

November 17, 2012 No Comments

Fruit of the quince tree, which grows in countries with a Mediterranean climate, quince resembles a large yellow pear in its shape and colour. Upon maturity, it gives off a pleasant fragrance and is covered with fine hairs. Its flesh is hard and astringent when raw. This is why it is always eaten cooked, in […]

14 November, World Diabetes Day

November 10, 2012 No Comments

Since 1991, 14 November has provided an opportunity for raising public awareness on issues related to the diabetes epidemic, and also on resources available for its prevention. Research has demonstrated beyond any doubt that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or at least deferred by adopting a healthy lifestyle through proper diet, regular exercise and […]

Anti-Depression Foods!

November 3, 2012 No Comments

As the days continue to become shorter until Christmas, we see that a lack of light can have a depressing effect on many of us.

Food for Thought: Words from a future dietitian

October 10, 2012 No Comments

Hi! I’m Alessandra, a dietetics student from McGill University and this December, I will become a full-fledged dietitian! I’m currently doing a stage here at SOSCuisine, and what a great experience! One of my first tasks here was to review one of SOSCuisine’s most popular meal plans, the Weight Loss Menu.

À propos des citrouilles géantes

October 4, 2012 2 Comments

Ceux qui nous suivent régulièrement savent déjà que nous aimons les citrouilles et que nous en écrivons souvent sur ce blogue. Voici quelques nouveautés à propos de ce sujet: La plus grosse citrouille au monde Cette semaine, à la foire agricole de Topsfield, au Massachusetts, on a couronné la plus grosse citrouille du monde. Avec […]

Forgotten fruits and vegetables

September 15, 2012 No Comments

Are you traditional in your choice of fruits and vegetables? There is nothing wrong with that, but did you know that there are a variety of choices other than well-buttered, salted corn on the cob and fried or baked potatoes? It would be a shame especially in this harvest season, not to take advantage of […]

Urban farmer’s illegal front yard

August 3, 2012 3 Comments

Urban gardening is fashionable these days. But if you are building a gorgeous kitchen garden in your front yard – rather than in the back yard – you may run into big trouble with your town’s authorities.


An apple a day…, genetically buffed

July 20, 2012 2 Comments

A small company located in the Okanagan valley, BC, is trying to bring to market a genetically engineered apple, called Arctic, that does not turn brown when sliced or bruised. It contains a synthetic gene that sharply reduces production of polyphenol oxidase, an enzyme responsible for the browning.

customer satisfaction survey visuel

Our Customers are Very Happy

June 20, 2012 No Comments

This survey was conducted in May 2012 on a sample of 580 Diabetes Meal Plan The questionnaire was validated and answers were compiled by our nutrition team, headed by Danielle Lamontagne, R.D. Customers were asked to: Sort a number of objectives by perceived importance Indicate to what extent the meal plans helped them achieve each […]

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