The Low FODMAP diet?

March 25, 2015 No Comments

The Low FODMAP diet is an emerging, scientifically proven and very promising diet for those suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Common symptoms of IBS include: abdominal pain, bloating, cramping, and changes in bowel habits. The frustration is that there is usually no clear food-symptom link. The Low FODMAP* diet originated in Australia, and research shows that 3 out of 4 people find tremendous success on this […]

TOP 10 Heart Healthy Recipes

February 1, 2015 No Comments

For decades, scientists around the world have agreed that the Mediterranean diet helps reducing our risk of cardiovascular disease. This is one of the reasons why all our menus are inspired by this food pattern. The other reasons being the fact that it is palate-pleasing and very easy to make. To celebrate this month of […]


The story behind stevia

January 28, 2015 No Comments

When you consider the clear link between excessive consumption of sugars and carbohydrates and the epidemic of obesity and diabetes that afflicts our society, the mad rush for non-caloric sweeteners is self-explanatory. Logic demands that by reducing the consumption of sugar, one should be able to control excess weight. Replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners does […]

Grocery bills will shoot up in 2015

January 19, 2015 No Comments

According to the Food Price Report 2015 published by the University of Guelph in early December, food prices in Canada will increase between 0.3% to 2.6% on average in 2015. The price rise could be higher than the rate of inflation. The largest increases will affect meat, fish, seafood and vegetables. In the case of […]

argent facture

La facture d’épicerie va grimper en 2015

January 19, 2015 8 Comments

Selon le Rapport sur les prix alimentaires à la consommation 2015 publié par l’Université de Guelph en début décembre, le prix du panier d’épicerie des Canadiens va grimper de 0,3% à 2,6% en moyenne en 2015. La hausse des prix pourrait donc être supérieure au taux d’inflation. Les plus fortes augmentations toucheront la viande, le […]

Palate-pleasing polenta

January 17, 2015 No Comments

Although polenta may only make guest appearances in our diet, it is very versatile: Creamy or crispy, hard or soft, it can be enjoyed as an accompaniment to meat, browned with sauce or quite simply seasoned with butter and cheese. And the leftovers can be sliced and served cold or sautéd in a pan.

How to make your resolution stick!

January 13, 2015 No Comments

Have you made a New Year’s resolution? Or do you shy away because you find resolutions too challenging to keep? Today, I encourage you to think of one thing that you want to change and I will reveal three key strategies to help make it stick. The most common resolutions include: weight loss, increase in […]

Vegetarian festive menu 2014

December 13, 2014 No Comments

Whether by their love of animals, to improve their health, because of allergy or intolerance, or simply by taste, more and more people are turning to a vegetarian diet. So, if you have vegetarian friends, you will need to take into account theirs needs too, when composing a party menu. In most cases, hosts prepare […]

5 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight During the Holidays

December 1, 2014 No Comments

The holiday season often goes hand in hand with weight gain. The following tips will help you enjoy yourself thoroughly during this period without piling on the kilos.

TOP 10 Best DIY Gourmet Gifts

November 18, 2014 No Comments

The best gifts come from the heart… and the kitchen! Thoughtful touches that give the most pleasure aren’t always the most expensive, especially when they are also delicious! So when you have to carry a gift for a party, why not ditch the traditional bottle of wine for a yummy recipe that shows the recipient […]


Protein and fat loss in sportspersons

November 7, 2014 No Comments

The following recommendations are intended ONLY for sportspersons who do strength training (i.e. who practice crossfit, bodybuilding or even weightlifting), are quite strong, and carry out their activity diligently week after week. Are you diligently pursuing strength training, do you want to lose weight and do you gauge your progress constantly by checking your weight […]

Canteen report card

November 3, 2014 2 Comments

Lunches provided in schools around the world reflect the country’s culture and its external influences. For example, it seems that North Americans have a fondness for disposable cups and plates. Moreover, it’s not surprising that in Asian countries, rice is included in all the trays and many countries don’t have dairy products in their menu. […]

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