elderly active couple, couple agés et actifs

Ten Tips for Healthy Aging

July 19, 2015 No Comments

In order to age successfully, our goal is to make our health last as long as possible.  In my previous blog, I addressed the top five nutritional changes that occur as we age.  Today, I will highlight my top 10 nutrition tips for healthy aging. My intention is to urge even one reader to take […]

Deciphering the Labelling for a Low FODMAP Diet

July 19, 2015 No Comments

We have already seen which foods to avoid when following a low FODMAP* diet. Avoiding individual foods such as apples, honey or wheat is rather simple. What is more complicated is figuring out whether a food or dish consisting of several ingredients contains few or many FODMAPs! For example, how do you choose a bread […]

BMI, a valuable tool?

July 7, 2015 No Comments

According to the WHO, BMI (Body Mass Index) is a tool that evaluates the general level of obesity. Different weight categories can be associated with a risk of developing certain diseases. BMI has the advantage of being easy to use: only two pieces of information are required, namely weight and height. This tool is so […]

red blood cells, globules rouges

Are you at risk for iron deficiency?

June 29, 2015 No Comments

According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, iron plays an essential role in human body functioning. Iron is involved in delivering oxygen to cells and regulating growth. Therefore, when there is a shortage of iron, oxygen supply to the cells becomes limited, leading to fatigue, poor work performance, pallor and decreased immune function. These symptoms are also known as anemia. However, too much iron is dangerous and […]

Pizza plus longue du monde

The world record for the longest pizza beaten at Expo Milano 2015

June 22, 2015 No Comments

The record for the longest pizza in the world was broken on Saturday with a 1.5 km long Margherita, served at the Universal Expo 2015 in Milan (one of the themes at this Expo is food). The previous record, which the Guinness Book registered, was held by Spain with a “mere” 1.141 km.

Children with GERD

Children with Reflux (GERD)

May 25, 2015 No Comments

Whether your child is a toddler or a teenager, they will occasionally suffer from diarrhea, upset tummy, excessive burping, abdominal pain, or heartburn. Sometimes stress from a big event in a child’s life – such as the first day of school, exams, or a sporting event – triggers a digestive upset. However, when digestive disturbances […]

GERD on the Rise

GERD on the Rise

May 25, 2015 No Comments

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common, chronic condition caused by the backflow of stomach contents, such as gastric acid, into the esophagus. The main symptoms include a burning, pressure-like sensation in the chest (heartburn), the sensation of food or liquid rising up the esophagus, and a bitter or sour taste in the mouth. Less […]

Expo Milano 2015: “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”

May 13, 2015 No Comments

At last, it is time for Expo Milano 2015, the largest global event dedicated to food. “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” («Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita») is the theme of the event: a reflection on the key role that nutrition plays on the development of humanity.

Banana art

May 5, 2015 No Comments

I never had much of an appetite as a child, but my mother always made me finish what was on my plate. That’s why I still feel a little anxious whenever I think back on family meals, when I was told not to play with food (what I always tried to do, to save time).

Vivre sous la ligne: Faites la différence!

April 20, 2015 4 Comments

Pour une troisième année de suite, le Canada participe au défi de s’alimenter pendant 5 jours comme le font 1,2 milliard de personnes qui vivent actuellement dans la pauvreté extrême. Chez nous, au Canada, ceci équivaut à vivre avec 1,75$ par jour et en France avec 1,20€. Cette année le défi se déroulera du 27 […]

Simple and Affordable Tips for Cleaning Naturally

April 6, 2015 2 Comments

You can actually save a lot of money on house cleaning products if you unearth grandma’s trade secrets, which also have the advantage of not using industrial chemicals.

reflux gastro-oesophagien

IBS : What Would You Risk for a Cure?

April 1, 2015 No Comments

April marks another Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month in Canada. Affecting 13-20% of the population, this diverse condition can have a drastic impact on a person’s life. How drastic, you ask? Enough that many patients say they would even risk death for a chance at a cure, according to a surprising study published last […]

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