The story of the Christmas Log

November 30, 2015 No Comments

In francophone countries, Christmas dinners often end with a serving of Christmas log. Did you know that it is a tradition linked to the celebration of the winter solstice?

TOP 10: Recipes inspired by World Cuisine

November 30, 2015 No Comments

Eating the same thing day in and day out can definitely get to be a bit dull. Luckily, there are many different types of cuisine to spark your imagination. A great dish doesn’t have to be authentic, but even taking a few little inspirations — a spice blend you don’t normally use or an exotic […]

fruit mealtime

Avoiding fruit at mealtime: myth or reality?

November 6, 2015 No Comments

You’ve probably already heard that we should avoid eating fruit during or after meals, but is this really based on fact? Is it an old wives’ tale or is there some truth behind it all? Let me shed some light on this.

maintenir sa ligne, maintain weight loss

3 Keys to Weight Management

September 22, 2015 No Comments

Did you know that two out of three adults are either overweight or obese? Moreover, every one of us is at risk for gaining weight. In fact, the average adult gains one to two pounds each year. These small (often unnoticed weight changes) can accumulate and may increase risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and […]

Food Guide for a Balanced Diet

Should Juice Be Banned from the Food Guide?

September 17, 2015 No Comments

Last week, the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) published an article entitled “Food Guide under Fire at Obesity Summit”.  One of the main issues was how fruit juice (125mL) is counted towards a fruit and vegetable serving on the Food Guide.  With this logic, having a couple cups of juice daily could help you reach […]

chocolate, chocolat

When Pleasure rhymes with Health…in 7 foods

September 16, 2015 No Comments

Three times a day, 365 days a year, there is meal after meal. We’d like to give our family and ourselves the very best foods for our health, spending time and energy shopping and cooking. And we’re constantly bombarded from all sides with “healthy messages” (eat less fat, more fiber, no cholesterol, gluten-free, etc.). Sometimes […]

Sugar Coated Documentary

Sugar Coated: Is Sugar the New Tobacco?

September 9, 2015 No Comments

It’s the provocative question that’s explored in the documentary “Sugar Coated”, by filmmaker Michèle Hozer. The film is now running across Canada and should not be missed. The subject of the film is that sugar is potentially very bad for your health, in case of overconsumption. But its more disturbing message is how the sugar […]

Small Pantry, petit garde manger

Organising your Pantry

August 31, 2015 No Comments

How many times has your pantry made you gnash your teeth in frustration because you can’t find the spices you’re looking for, or because cereal boxes fall on your head each time you reach out for a biscuit tin? It’s time to organise your cupboards, not only to save time when preparing meals but also […]

hair and nails, mirrors of our health

Hair and Nails: Mirrors of Your Health

July 31, 2015 No Comments

We love taking care of our hair and nails, its obvious! Just look at the multitude of beauty products piled high in the cosmetics aisle: creams, oils, masks, sprays and other treatments made from secret ingredients… but before spending all your money on products full of promise, start by taking care of the inside, because […]

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