restaurant outdoor dining

Restaurant Day: eat at your neighbour’s place!

May 2, 2016 No Comments

Do you dream of opening your own restaurant and serving people the dish that made you famous at office parties? You want to discover the hidden culinary talents of the people you pass every day in the street? Then Restaurant Day is for you!

TOP 10: Recipes for Spring

April 19, 2016 No Comments

Spring is finally here! As the trees get greener and the sun shines warmer, we all start to feel lighter. Many of us are all too aware of the extra couple of pounds we might have put on while in winter mode, and so Spring is when we don’t just shed our heavy jackets, but […]

TOP 10: Low-FODMAP Recipes

April 12, 2016 No Comments

The low-FODMAP diet is one of the newest food discoveries to promise relief to long-time sufferers of IBS. However, for many who’ve tried it, it’s much more than a fad; it’s a solution. At first, it can seem very technical and complicated, (FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides And Polyols) since so many foods […]

Is the Price Right? Grocery Price Checker Now Available for Free

April 6, 2016 No Comments

Have you ever asked yourself at the supermarket: ‘Is this price right?’ Of course, you can’t memorize the prices for all the products you buy frequently. What’s more, there are different formats, price by the pound, by kilo and per unit, colorful labels in the aisles… How can you succeed in buying intelligently without falling […]

Eating Well for Less

April 5, 2016 No Comments

Is it possible to eat healthily and save money? The answer is YES, but you have to monitor prices closely and avoid buying any processed foods—which implies cooking from scratch—and avoid buying fruits and vegetables that are out of season or pre-prepared.

brunch déjeuner breakfast

TOP 10: Brunch Recipes

March 28, 2016 No Comments

Brunch is a pretty easy go-to party when planning a celebration. It can be as formal or as casual as you like, with a broad spread of morning and afternoon food. Often served buffet style, the ideal brunch menu has savoury dishes, sweet treats, and lots of snacks on the side. We’ve chosen ten easy, […]

Is there a magic diet to help me grow taller?

March 23, 2016 1 Comment

QUICK ANSWER >>> From youth hockey all the way to the professional level, extra height is advantageous. But getting taller is not 100% in your control.Genetics account for about 80% of your height by dictating when hormones for growth are released. The rest of your height can be achieved by creating a good environment that […]

mediterranean recipes

TOP 10 Mediterranean Recipes

March 15, 2016 3 Comments

Mediterranean food spans several countries and cultures, from wonderfully aromatic African spices to the subtle and classic herbaceous French cuisine. There are common threads though: olives, seafood, and bright, bold flavours. Mediterranean recipes tend to be light, often served family-style or as tapas (smaller dishes to be shared and tasted), and make the most out […]

Change your Dietary Habits, One Day at the Time

March 1, 2016 No Comments

Each year since the late 1970’s, in Canada and around the rest of the world, Nutrition Month is celebrated in March. The theme for this year’s campaign in Canada is “Take a 100 Meal Journey – Make Small Changes, One Meal at a Time”. Why 100 meals you ask? It’s approximately the number of meals […]


SOSCuisine à l’Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert 2016

February 29, 2016 1 Comment

Si l’alimentation saine, l’écologie et la santé globale sont importants pour vous, ne manquez pas le rendez-vous annuel de l’Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert, du 11 au 13 mars au Palais des congrès de Montréal et du 19 au 20 mars au Centre des congrès de Québec. SOS Cuisine y sera comme toujours, au […]

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