sport âge

It’s Never Too Late to Get Active

January 14, 2021 No Comments

“At my age, it’s too late to get in shape!” “Oh! But I’m way too old to start this activity!” “This sport is for young people!” How many times have I heard phrases similar to these in my career so far. Being too old is a popular excuse among adults, which is much more a […]

10 Super-Efficient Recipes for Solo Cooking

November 14, 2020 5 Comments

Eating well while living alone can be a challenge. First you have to find the motivation to cook for yourself, then you have to know how to add enough variety so you are not eating the same thing all week. Don’t worry: We’re going to give you our best tips for cooking quickly and efficiently […]


TOP 10: Kosher Recipes

September 21, 2020 No Comments

Kosher foods, that is, foods that are “suitable” or “clean” are those that conform to the Jewish dietary regulations of kashrut. They are often very complicated, primarily referring to foods of animal origin that are allowed as long as the animal has been killed according to a particular ritual. Certain products of vegetal origin, such […]


TOP 10: Recipes With Mango

April 10, 2020 No Comments

Did you know that half of the world’s mangoes are cultivated in India alone? In fact mango is the national fruit of India and also Pakistan. To help you savor it in all kinds of ways, we have unearthed our 10 best recipes featuring this delicious fruit.

TOP 10: Creative Recipes with Canned Fish

February 24, 2020 No Comments

Canned fish is an excellent thing to stock in the pantry. Having it on hand can help you out with a quick meal and save you money when fresh food supplies get low. And with all the healthy omega-3s packed inside, there are even more reasons to eat canned fish! If you don’t know how […]


TOP 10: Sunny Caribbean Recipes

February 14, 2020 No Comments

Towards the end of February, even though hot chocolate, homemade soups and any kind of comfort food never taste better, winter can take a lot of you. That’s why so many Northerners escape to the Caribbean to wiggle their toes in the sand. For all the others that cannot travel south, we have put together […]

TOP 10: Winter Vegetables Recipes

January 27, 2020 No Comments

It is not easy to eat local in winter in colder climates, since few seasonal vegetables are available. However, every meal doesn’t have to revolve around potatoes and onions, since there are some vitamin-rich cold-weather produce that are absolutely delicious. Get inspired by our TOP 10 winter vegetable recipes, and enjoy fresh veggies with plenty […]

TOP 10 Recipes for Healthy Bones

November 10, 2019 No Comments

At least one in three women and one in five men will suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis in their lifetime. Nutrition and physical activity play a big role in preventing this disease. Calcium and vitamin D are essential nutrients for good bone health. We offer you 10 recipes for healthy bones!

lait milk

Is A2 Milk Better Than Regular Milk?

August 27, 2019 No Comments

A2 milk is popular in the United States and has recently appeared on the Canadian market. It is marketed as being easier to digest. But what exactly is this product, and does it really provide additional benefits when compared to regular milk? Let’s shed some light on this question!

balance scale

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

February 6, 2019 No Comments

Have you started working out to lose weight, but your weight is not going down on the scale and you are wondering how this could be possible? In general, one pound of fat corresponds to 3500 Calories. Therefore, in theory, someone who starts an exercise program and starts burning an average of 500 calories a […]

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