blood thinners

Blood Thinners and Greens: A Mix to Avoid?

September 12, 2016 58 Comments

You might have heard that if you take an anticoagulant (blood thinner), like Coumadin (warfarin), you should stop eating, or at least eat fewer, green vegetables, because they contain too much Vitamin K. But is this really the case?

Top 5 Ways a Hockey Player can Keep Energy High During Busy Times

August 30, 2016 No Comments

Back-to-school means back to the busy season. Eating right and making good food choices can help keep your and your hockey players energised through the most hectic schedules. Here are 5 great ways to keep you energy up even during the busiest time.

Turin, the First Vegetarian City?

August 24, 2016 No Comments

When I saw the headlines in the Italian newspapers, I couldn’t believe my eyes: the new mayor of Turin (in the north-west of Italy) has put in place a five-year plan to inform its residents of the benefits of a meat-free diet, in order to save our environment, promote our wellbeing and animal welfare.

SOS Tips for Choosing Fruits and Vegetables

August 1, 2016 No Comments

Everybody has their own criteria for choosing fruits and vegetables from the produce section.  It’s not uncommon to see people pressing, touching, squeezing, smelling produce to try and suss out how ripe it might be. But what is the best method for choosing fruits and vegetables?

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