How to Track Your Body Composition in the Off-Season

March 22, 2017 No Comments

Let me start this article on body composition by saying that hockey performance is not determined by body composition. However, there is an ideal body composition for you to achieve your best hockey performance. The ideal body composition for you will not be the same as someone else’s (certainly not the same as a random […]

TOP 10: Alzheimer’s Prevention Recipes

March 2, 2017 No Comments

“You are what you eat,” has never been more true. Every day we’re finding more links between healthy diets and healthy lives, so, it’s not surprising that good nutrition and a healthy diet now is a good investment in preventing diseases like Alzheimer’s later. To help you get started, we’ve already made a list of the […]

20 Years of the Expo Manger Santé

February 23, 2017 No Comments

In 1997, Renée Frappier launched a public event centered around natural and organic food. Pleasure, sharing, education, this year marks 20 years of Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert. The 18 and 19 March in Quebec, then from 24 to 26 March in Montreal, new and regular visitors are invited to the latest, which is […]

TOP 8 Foods to Prevent Alzheimer’s

February 22, 2017 1 Comment

In a previous article on the MIND Diet as prevention against Alzheimer’s disease, I mentioned a few foods to focus on. I’m back today to remind you of those foods, and tell you why they’re so interesting from a nutritional standpoint.

Top Restaurant Selections to Support Playoff Hockey Success

February 14, 2017 No Comments

At restaurants, just like at home, you should be aiming to eat the right proportions of foods from the hockey players plate at each meal. By now you should know what pre-game meals work for you, especially how much food you need to eat and how long you need to digest the food. The playoffs […]

Omega 3: The Most Effective Nutrient for Memory and Alzheimer’s

January 31, 2017 No Comments

Researchers at the University Laval, including Frederic Calon, one of the world’s leading experts in the field of neurological illnesses, have reviewed the literature on the use of Omega 3 to reduce cognitive decline associated with age related dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

January 30, 2017 No Comments

If, like me, Alzheimer’s disease has affected someone near you and really scares you, you’ll be happy to learn that we are not powerless against it. Several studies show that there are strategies you can follow to prevent this terrible disease.

Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline: Prevention and Possible Treatments

January 5, 2017 No Comments

Let’s take a look at ways to prevent this illness. For more clarity, and because Alzheimer’s is hard to diagnose in the early stages, the prevention tools presented here will cover both Alzheimer’s and other forms of cognitive decline. Between you and me, you don’t want to wait until the diagnosis (or for it to […]

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