Alcoholic Drinks – Which ones should you choose?

June 25, 2018 No Comments

The season of rooftop bars and barbeques is in full swing! Do you fancy an alcoholic drink but are worried about your weight and your health? Did you know that the number of calories and the amount of sugar varies wildly between different drinks? Here are 4 tips to help you enjoy a glass without […]

choucroute sauerkraut

Should We Add Fermented Foods to Our Diet?

June 18, 2018 2 Comments

We see more and more fermented food in grocery stores and markets… but there is nothing new to the concept. In fact, fermentation has been used for thousands of years to preserve food. Fermentation is defined as a controlled decomposition of one (or more) food(s) by microorganisms. More often than not, the microorganisms responsible for […]

rhubarb rhubarbe

TOP 5: The Best Recipes With Rhubarb

June 18, 2018 No Comments

The arrival of the rhubarb season means that the good weather has arrived. If you grow it yourself in your garden, you know that it grows easily and in abundance. But be careful: we only eat the stems because the leaves are poisonous. To compensate for its high acidity, it is usually prepared with a […]

russe russian

Top 5: Delicious Russian Recipes to Discover

May 31, 2018 No Comments

Russian cuisine is rich and varied, although it is not very well known. Influenced by its harsh climate, it consists of many comforting and tasty recipes. To discover Russia through its dishes, we invite you to cook these 5 recipes!

pâtes pasta

TOP 10: Pasta Recipes with just a Few Ingredients

May 29, 2018 No Comments

Pasta is an ingredient found in many forms and has many benefits. They are inexpensive, easy to keep, and are also easy to cook. Say goodbye to pre-prepared sauces (which are often high in salt) and prepare these top 10 pasta recipes which require just a couple ingredients and are delicious!

TOP 10: Our Best Mexican Recipes

May 1, 2018 No Comments

Mexican cuisine is loved by everyone, young and old. Its colors and flavors give a festive ambiance to any meal. Get inspired for your next fiesta with these 10 simple, spicy and succulent recipes!

TOP 5: Snacks for Athletes

April 26, 2018 No Comments

When playing sports or exercising, it is important to eat snacks in order to have enough energy to perform, recover better afterwards, promote an optimal absorption of proteins and to avoid being too hungry at meals. Here is our Top 5 Snacks for Athletes list.

sommeil sleep

6 Reasons Why You Should Prioritize Your Sleep

April 23, 2018 No Comments

Sleep is vital for health, both physical and mental. It is recommended to sleep between seven and nine hours per night. Yet about a third of Canadian adults sleep less than seven hours a night. Here are six reasons why you should prioritize your sleep starting now!

Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert 2018

Thank you for coming out in such numbers to meet us at the Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert 2018!

April 2, 2018 No Comments

A big thank you to everyone who came to meet us at the Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert 2018, in Quebec City and Montreal, these past two weekends.

TOP 10: Fish Recipes You’ll Love

March 24, 2018 No Comments

There are several good reasons to eat fish. In the case of fatty fish, we appreciate their omega-3 content, which has a protective effect for cardiovascular health and helps in the prevention of several diseases. Some people don’t like the taste of fish, but like any food, with a little bit of preparation and seasoning, […]

greek grecque grèce greece

Top 5: Greek Recipes to Try Absolutely

March 19, 2018 1 Comment

Scientific evidence has accumulated over the past fifty years on the benefits of a Mediterranean diet in preventing cardiovascular diseases, but also other diseases such as diabetes, cancer, dementia and even depression. In addition, all our menus are based on this nutritional regime. Greek cuisine also respects the principles of this diet. We suggest you […]

Top 10: Recipes to Make with Children

March 5, 2018 No Comments

Involving children in the preparation and planning of meals helps them to acquire healthy eating habits and maintain them for the rest of their lives. To help you to avoid unnecessary stress, we have found 10 recipes that you can easily prepare with your children.

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