pâques easter

Top 10: Easter Recipes for Kids and Grown-Ups

April 12, 2019 No Comments

Easter is fast approaching! The shops are filling up with chocolates, rabbits, eggs and peeps. Instead of spending money on these industrial products, we searched the web for fun and colorful recipes that you can cook for your family. Here are our top 10 Easter recipes.

potato pomme de terre

Top 10 Awesome Potato-Based Recipes

April 2, 2019 No Comments

The potato is a tuber vegetable available year round in supermarkets. It is long-lasting, versatile and very economical. For more nutrients, don’t peel it; the taste remains the same and you’ll save time! Here are our best 10 recipes featuring potatoes.

Top 10 Foolproof Egg Recipes

March 24, 2019 No Comments

Eggs are great because they are versatile, affordable, delicious, and nutritious. Often associated with breakfasts, they can be consumed from morning to evening and from starter to dessert. Please find here our Top 10 recipes featuring egg as the main ingredient.

collation cétogène faible en glucides fat bomb

TOP 5: Low-Carb Snacks

March 18, 2019 No Comments

Low-carb snacks are handy when following a Ketogenic or a Low-Carb High-Fat (LCHF) diet. The criteria of these diets are sometimes difficult to respect and it may not be so easy to follow them. Fortunately, you can count on SOSCuisine to simplify your life. Try these 5 low-carb snack recipes that can be made quick […]

Crevettes et kale au four

TOP 10 Timesaver One-Pan Recipes

March 3, 2019 No Comments

At SOSCuisine, we like to simplify your life while helping you to eat well. With this in mind, we are now sharing with you our 10 best one-pan recipes. These low stress one-dish, one-pan, wonders will put a little pep in your step knowing that you will have to do just a minimal clean up! […]

chou cabbage

Top 10 Low-Carb Veggies

March 1, 2019 No Comments

LCHF (Low-carb High-fat) and ketogenic diets are very trendy. They consist of eating few carbohydrates and lots of fat, helping weight loss and/or blood glucose control. We have designed 2 specific meal plans to help you follow them easily. If you are watching carbs, here’s our list of the 10 best vegetables to eat on […]

What to Eat on a Liquid Diet?

February 19, 2019 No Comments

Whether you have had a surgery in your digestive system or mouth, if you are in a bout of diverticulitis, or have active inflammatory bowel disease, your doctor or dietitian may have told you to follow a liquid diet … but what does this mean exactly? And what exactly should you ‘eat’? I have the […]

TOP 10: Recipes for the Hypotoxic Diet

February 10, 2019 No Comments

The hypotoxic diet (or Seignalet diet) helps you reduce the chronic pain associated with inflammatory diseases. It is gluten-free and dairy-free and is similar to the ancestral diet (or paleo diet), except for the presence of grains and legumes. To discover more, here are our top 10 hypotoxic recipes.

TOP 10: Keto Recipes

January 8, 2019 3 Comments

The ketogenic diet has been gaining popularity in recent years. Maybe you’ve heard the phrase before — it’s a huge diet buzzword — but aren’t sure what it means. It is a very low-carb, high-fat diet. We worked very hard to design a new keto meal plan that meets the criteria of the keto diet. […]


Top 10: Recipes To Help You Get Back In Shape

December 31, 2018 No Comments

The holiday season is often synonymous with excess food and alcohol. Afterwards, you can feel heavy, bloated and tired. That’s why we’ve made this Top 10 list of recipes that will help you to get back in shape, and start the new year off on the right foot.

How to Choose a Diet That Works for Me?

December 29, 2018 No Comments

Wherever we go, we hear about a new diet or way of eating that seems to be THE solution for weight loss, blood sugar control, or whatever our problem is. Whether it’s a low carb diet, the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, a high protein diet, the Mediterranean diet, the hypotoxic diet, a vegetarian diet or […]

TOP 10: Christmas Desserts For Everyone

December 10, 2018 No Comments

Christmas is the perfect holiday to gather around a nice family meal. Since dessert is the highlight of the show, you’ll have to make sure it’s delicious. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to receive guests at home who have special diets such as gluten-free or vegan. That’s why we’ve included our favorite desserts that are […]

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