Tag: Heart Health

Olive oil

6 Tips for Choosing Olive Oil

June 18, 2024 No Comments

There is an increasing craze for olive oil all over the world, both for its beneficial effects on health and for its taste. But how do you choose the right olive oil when you know that there are some 2000 varieties in the world, which differ in flavor, aroma, price and especially in the content […]

Aliments ultra-transformés - Ultra-processed foods

Ultra-Processed Foods: Are They Harmful ?

March 4, 2024 1 Comment

The availability and consumption of ultra-processed food has increased globally. It accounts for 50-60% of total daily energy intake in some high-income countries, with middle- and low-income countries following suit. Fresh or minimally processed foods are increasingly being replaced by ultra-processed foods, raising concerns about their long-term health effects.

Eggs and Cholesterol, What’s the Verdict?

November 13, 2022 No Comments

We need cholesterol to function. The body makes most of the cholesterol it needs, and the rest comes from food. Eggs are high in dietary cholesterol and contribute to about 25% of the cholesterol content in the United States. One large egg contains about 186 mg of cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol is also found in seafood, […]

alimentation cardiovasculaire

8 Tips to Improve Your Cholesterol and Lipid Profile

November 5, 2022 1 Comment

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for 30% of all deaths. A significant proportion of people have a high level of cholesterol, but many of them do not know it, because they do not feel sick. If left untreated, this problem increases the risk of suffering from CVD. A poor […]

Camelina Oil, Rich in Omega-3

September 3, 2022 No Comments

In recent years a new oil has appeared on the shelves of grocery stores: camelina oil. Given its high price, you might like to learn more about the organoleptic qualities and health benefits of this oil before buying it.

Trending Diets in Cardiovascular Health: How to Choose?

July 5, 2021 No Comments

This article presents a summary of the key points of the conference given on June 3, 2021 as part of the seminar “Cardiology in Everyday Life” (in French) organized by Médecins francophones du Canada in partnership with the Montreal Heart Institute.

méditation yoga

Gastrointestinal Disorders and Stress From Confinement

November 23, 2020 No Comments

Lack of physical activity, poor food choices, stress and anxiety, are all reasons that can lead to suffering from gastrointestinal disorders during this period of pandemic uncertainty.

noix nuts

Include Nuts in Your Diet to Help You Stay Healthy

June 8, 2020 No Comments

Several studies have suggested that eating nuts improves cardiovascular health and therefore reduces the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases. A new international study, including 123 329 participants aged 35 to 70 from 16 countries, was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and confirms this correlation.

Is Intermittent Fasting Really Effective?

June 3, 2019 No Comments

Intermittent fasting is gaining popularity. There are claims that it has many virtues, including weight loss and a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. But is it really effective? We’re about to shine a light on intermittent fasting and its effects on health below.

noix graines nuts seeds

Can It Be Harmful to Have Too Much “Good” Cholesterol?

April 9, 2019 No Comments

It is often said that to prevent cardiovascular disease, one must reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol and increase “good” HDL cholesterol. But is it possible to have too much “good” cholesterol? Keep on reading to find out the answer!

4 Tips to Limit Your Sodium Intake

August 13, 2018 No Comments

According to a report recently released by Health Canada, Canadians still consume too much sodium. Excessive sodium consumption can lead to high blood pressure, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke, which is the leading cause of death worldwide and the second leading cause of death in Canada.

soya soy

Is it Risky to Eat Soy?

May 22, 2018 No Comments

Plant based proteins, through their beneficial effects on health and the environment, are gaining popularity among those seeking to move away from animal proteins. Soybeans are a legume native to Asia found in a variety of foods such as tofu, tempeh, miso, edamame and soy beverages. They are rich in protein, fiber, good unsaturated fats […]

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