Category: What’s Cooking?
A fruit that’s half-fig half-pear
Did you know that the fruit known as “cactus fig” or prickly pear tastes neither like a fig nor a pear, but more like a cross between a watermelon and lemon? Native to Central America, this oval fruit that varies in colour (yellow, red, white), grows on the Opuntia cactus. As it is very rich […]
The basics of successful weight loss
A few basic rules determine the success of a weight loss programme. First of all, it is important to remember that it is not possible to achieve permanent physiological changes without permanently altering one’s lifestyle. Although many commercials lure people with promises of unbelievable weight loss without any effort, losing weight safely and permanently is […]
What if natural foods came with a list of ingredients?
Processed foods are known for their extra-long lists of chemical-laden ingredients. But even the simplest of foods may come with a surprisingly long list, accordingly to James Kennedy, an Australian chemistry teacher, who has put together the following infographics.
Cooking with your family, for health and pleasure
Do you know that families who cook and dine together have better eating habits? Unfortunately, throughout the Western world, people are cooking less than in the past and the act of eating together has also reduced. According to a survey that Dietitians of Canada conducted among 4,000 respondents, the reasons for this include a lack […]
What is blood cholesterol?
Cholesterol is one of the fats that is present in blood. It may be used in the construction of cell membranes and in the manufacture of vitamin D or hormones such as cortisol, testosterone and progesterone.
The side benefits of swimming
I am a great fan of swimming not only to stay in shape physically but also for its effects on my creativity. Indeed, during my 2 weekly 1/2 h sessions of swimming, while my body is engaged in full physical movement, my mind itself floats and a lot of creative thinking happens, without me even […]
Heart-Friendly Food Items
Colored fruits and vegetables By consuming 4 fruits and 5 servings of vegetables a day, you absorb a fair amount of antioxidants. Make sure you consume a range of colors that include at least one green and one orange vegetable for a variety of vitamins. In winter, we stock up on citrus fruits and we […]
Eating well for a healthy heart: Beware of these 4 elements (part 2)
Trans fats Derived from partially hydrogenated oils, industrial trans fats are the most harmful to the heart. They can increase bad cholesterol (LDL) and decrease good cholesterol (HDL). Since labels on processed food must indicate their trans fat content, it is easy to identify and avoid them.
Eating well for a healthy heart: DASH diet to the rescue (part 1)
Almost a third of all deaths in the West are linked to cardiovascular diseases. Among the various factors directly related to this incidence, are several that can be controlled with a healthy lifestyle. February being the Heart Month, this is the perfect time to adopt good eating habits to improve cardiovascular health.
A Taste of Sochi: Russian Gastronomy
As the Sochi Winter Olympics have started, I thought it would be interesting to see what’s cooking inside the casseroles in Russian kitchens. Mirroring the Siberian winter climate, Russian gastronomy is a rich cuisine that is simple and nutritious: just like SOSCuisine! The first meal of the day is meant to be light yet nutritious. […]
Two hearts for Valentine’s Day
The combination of mid-February with love and fertility dates back to ancient times. While in ancient Athens, the period between mid-January to mid-February was called Gamelion month to celebrate the sacred marriage of Zeus and Hera, the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia was celebrated on February 15 to worship Lupercus, the god of fertility.
DIY Valentine’s Day, Act III: I Love You like Crazy…
After dessert and before ‘sleeping’… Have you thought of a small gift for your significant other? How about buying a heart-shaped box in a drugstore or Dollorama and filling it up with Valentine’s Day chocolates that you can make at home with the famous SOSCuisine recipe?