Category: What’s Cooking?

fitness fruits

TOP 5: Smoothie Recipes

April 25, 2016 No Comments

What’s the difference between juices and smoothies: The only major difference between juice and smoothies, is that one of the two contains fiber (good choice) while the other doesn’t (less great choice)… Which is which? You might have already guessed that smoothies are the winning choice with all their fiber!

Launch of the campaign to “Demand Labelling” for GMOs in Quebec

April 25, 2016 No Comments

Vigilance OGM is pleased to announce the launch Demand Labelling, a campaign for mandatory labelling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Quebec. The campaign will empower the people of Quebec to demand the right to know where GMOs are on their plates and to contribute to make Quebec the first province in Canada, and the […]

Should I eat a low carb diet in the off-season?

April 22, 2016 No Comments

High carb foods can be your best tool to perform well while executing sprinting or power movements. However, carbs can also hinder you if you eat too much of them. Simple unrefined carbs from white breads, processed cereals, and candies are the most confusing as there are many times when these are not good to […]

TOP 10: Recipes for Spring

April 19, 2016 No Comments

Spring is finally here! As the trees get greener and the sun shines warmer, we all start to feel lighter. Many of us are all too aware of the extra couple of pounds we might have put on while in winter mode, and so Spring is when we don’t just shed our heavy jackets, but […]

10 Food Scraps That You Should Never Throw Away

April 18, 2016 No Comments

Food waste is a serious problem all around the world. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), about a third of the food produced worldwide winds up in the trash. In the industrialised world, the majority of the waste comes from consumers who buy too much food and throw it […]

stomach pain

4 Worst Things to Say to Someone Suffering from IBS

April 11, 2016 1 Comment

Being that I don’t suffer from Irritable bowel syndrome myself, I had to do some research for this article… I went through many websites and Facebook support groups (like ours) for people who suffer from gastrointestinal problems. I also dug into the many emails we constantly receive from persons who follow our low-FODMAP* menus. What […]

Is the Price Right? Grocery Price Checker Now Available for Free

April 6, 2016 No Comments

Have you ever asked yourself at the supermarket: ‘Is this price right?’ Of course, you can’t memorize the prices for all the products you buy frequently. What’s more, there are different formats, price by the pound, by kilo and per unit, colorful labels in the aisles… How can you succeed in buying intelligently without falling […]

paying at the grocery store, payer à l'épicerie

Top 10 Recipes Under One Dollar per Serving

April 5, 2016 No Comments

It seems like every year our grocery bill goes up, making it harder and harder to find nutritious, balanced meals that suit the whole family. Most of us know how to shop for cheap food – rice, beans, potatoes, eggs, etc. – but how many of us know how to transform those ingredients into great, […]

Eating Well for Less

April 5, 2016 No Comments

Is it possible to eat healthily and save money? The answer is YES, but you have to monitor prices closely and avoid buying any processed foods—which implies cooking from scratch—and avoid buying fruits and vegetables that are out of season or pre-prepared.

Community Supported Agriculture and Family Farmers

April 4, 2016 5 Comments

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), also known as “green baskets” is a socio-economic model that links individuals to local farms. Broadly speaking, the individual becomes a partner of a farm in his region, by buying in advance, a share of the farmer’s and/or breeder’s produce.

brunch déjeuner breakfast

TOP 10: Brunch Recipes

March 28, 2016 No Comments

Brunch is a pretty easy go-to party when planning a celebration. It can be as formal or as casual as you like, with a broad spread of morning and afternoon food. Often served buffet style, the ideal brunch menu has savoury dishes, sweet treats, and lots of snacks on the side. We’ve chosen ten easy, […]

transit intestinal

Top 5: Tips for Healthy Bowel Movements

March 28, 2016 No Comments

Although the subject isn’t very glamorous, we’ve all wondered our bowel movements at one time or another. Having “healthy” bowel movements is something very personal, certain people empty their bowels every day, even several times a day, whereas others feel fine doing so just a few times a week. The quality of bowel movements isn’t […]

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