Category: Our Tips

How to take advantage of the “real” good deals

March 13, 2013 No Comments

One of your most frequently asked questions is: “How can I take full advantage of the “true” good deals at my preferred supermarket?”

Flu prevention: Still a long way to go

February 5, 2013 No Comments

Have you noticed how many adults are still sneezing into their hands? While commuting between Montreal and Quebec by train, last week, I was aghast to be with fellow passengers that were coughing or sneezing directly into their hand that subsequently touches seats, door knobs, money, or other people. I would have so much preferred […]

Smart grocery tips from the CBC

January 16, 2013 No Comments

With a little knowledge and some planning, it is always possible to eat well and healthy without spending too much money. Here’s a video from the CBC’s “Recession Guide” serie, where Cinzia is revealing some of the prices to look for. It aired almost 3 years ago (2009-04-07) but it provides price points that are […]

Food Safety Tips for the Holidays

December 19, 2012 No Comments

To help our readers keep healthy during the holidays, we are publishing here Health Canada’s recommendations Food is an important part of many holiday celebrations. However, many of the foods found at holiday parties, such as baked goods, eggnog, cider, seafood and turkey, can carry viruses, bacteria or parasites that could cause foodborne illness (“food […]

A clever gift for Christmas

December 4, 2012 No Comments

To spread happiness this festive season without going broke, what better than a useful and worthwhile gift, purchased at a reasonable price? In matters of food, a good bottle of extra virgin olive oil holds great value and is always appreciated by my friends.

Don’t Be Scared to Try New Foods

March 20, 2012 No Comments

All types of food can we delectable but about 50% of people are scared to try new foods. In most of the cases, this relates to negative childhood food memories. Flavour is a mixture of 2 senses – taste and smell – and in many people these are inherently conservative.

Eat well … when you’re down with the flu

March 13, 2012 No Comments

The flu season is not over yet and it’s important to know what to eat to relieve the symptoms if you’ve been “caught” 🙁 1. Homemade chicken broth Homemade chicken broth is a great comfort food with an excellent reputation as a “remedy” against colds. Recent studies have shown that the heat from broth helps […]

Mind the mint!

March 5, 2012 No Comments

If you suffer from gastric reflux, gastro-esophageal reflux or from hiatus hernia, you’re probably aware that you should steer clear of certain foods that could aggravate your symptoms through a problem of irritation. Foods to be avoided include coffee, tea, carbonated drinks such as colas, chocolate, citrus fruits, alcohol, tomatoes and very spicy dishes.

riz rice

How to chose the right rice

February 14, 2012 2 Comments

Nowadays, there are so many varieties of rice on the grocery shelves. But some are better than others. Here are our recommendations:

Tips and Tricks for Winter Grilling

February 1, 2012 No Comments

Who said that barbecuing is just for the dog days of summer? Some of us living in colder regions like to prepare delicious grilled meals year-round. If you do too, we’d like to share with you a few tricks:

bread pain

Bread – Friend or Foe?

January 23, 2012 No Comments

Canada’s Food Guide states that adults should eat 6 to 8 servings of grain products every day. For those needing to lose a lot of weight and following a low-calorie meal plan, the minimum is 4 servings. Bread is an excellent candidate (1 slice = 1 serving), provided you select breads that are low in […]

céréales petit-déjeuner

How to choose a breakfast cereal

January 17, 2012 No Comments

Muesli, bran cereals, shredded wheat, crispy oat flakes… there are so many breakfast cereals out there to choose from! What should we look for? Here are some label-reading tips to help you make the right choice.

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