Category: Our Tips

maintain weight loss, maintenir la ligne

Getting back on the weight loss bandwagon after a plateau

March 12, 2014 No Comments

You’ve worked super hard to improve your eating habits and include physical activity in your daily life and as a reward, the reading on your bathroom scale has decreased. But for no apparent reason, “the scale doesn’t move anymore”, even though you continue your good habits. Hitting a plateau is common and somewhat normal during […]

The basics of successful weight loss

March 5, 2014 4 Comments

A few basic rules determine the success of a weight loss programme. First of all, it is important to remember that it is not possible to achieve permanent physiological changes without permanently altering one’s lifestyle. Although many commercials lure people with promises of unbelievable weight loss without any effort, losing weight safely and permanently is […]

DIY Tartare

January 21, 2014 No Comments

Not to deprive yourself of the delights of tartare, I invite you to quite simply prepare it yourself, by making sure you follow the below tips:

Long live the frozen fruit and vegetables!

January 15, 2014 No Comments

In the heart of winter, fresh produce is limited—or expensive-, which forces many of us to turn to canned or frozen fruit and vegetables. My preference goes to frozen products because no salt or sugar is added during their manufacturing process. Frozen foods are processed immediately after picking, which minimizes the loss of nutrients. The […]

breakfast petit déjeuner

Breakfast matters

January 14, 2014 No Comments

The majority of the scientific studies agree that breakfast is a very important meal. The simple act of eating a balanced breakfast has an impact on satiety and reduction of hunger during the day, thereby warding off many problems and staying fit for a long time. What’s more, eating well after eight to twelve hours […]

1st Resolution: Losing Weight

January 11, 2014 No Comments

Every January, millions of people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Most of these people are women, for whom such a resolution precedes all others.


Ten Easy Tips for Keeping Better Eating Resolutions

January 5, 2014 No Comments

Many of us begin the year with good resolutions, the most common one being linked to adopting some healthy habits and shedding some extra kilos. Here’s a few simple tips to help you keep up the good work for the rest of the year.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Hangovers

December 20, 2013 No Comments

After a party overflowing with good booze, when you drink 1.5 g of alcohol per kg of body weight (3 to 5 drinks for a person weighing 60 kg), chances are, you’ll end up with a headache, nausea and bothersome digestive symptoms. This is what is commonly known as “hangover”.

fruits and vegetables

Eat Fruits and Vegetables Daily in 5 Easy Steps!

December 16, 2013 No Comments

Did you know that the daily consumption of vegetables and fruits might help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer? Moreover, regularly eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables can also reduce the risk of heart disease. Yet it is not always easy to include these foods in our daily meals, among other things, […]

dons alimentaires - food drive

Best Food Items for the Food Drive

December 10, 2013 No Comments

This article was originally written on December 10, 2013 and fully updated on November 21, 2022. Sadly the list of non-perishable items required by food banks for helping families in need is very long. This list includes, among other items, basic food such as flour, sugar, oil, rice, breakfast cereals, and canned vegetables. Of course […]

Time to stock up

September 5, 2013 No Comments

All summer, but especially in August and September, I go to the market thinking about what I can stock up for winter. If I’m buying bell peppers, for example, I might buy the right amount for the aforementioned meal and more to freeze. For those who enjoy farm-fresh food but don’t like the hassle of […]

What can I do with lettuce leftovers?

July 10, 2013 No Comments

This is the question that one of our members would like us to address. Indeed, thanks to the heavy rains of the last few weeks, lettuce heads are huge this year, which makes it difficult to use it all, especially for the single eater. As our member puts it: “I do love to eat salads, […]

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