Category: Our Tips

beer bière

7 Perfect Beer and Food Pairings

May 5, 2017 No Comments

Spring is always a fantastic time to try a brand new, refreshing beer. We’ve already talked about the best foods to make on the terrace, but what about beer and food pairings? Beer is the go-to drink for many people and everybody has their preferences. So, we’ve chosen some of the most popular styles of […]

5 Ways to Help Picky Eaters Become Adventurous

April 24, 2017 1 Comment

Do you have a picky eater?  Are mealtimes a struggle?  Do you feel like a short-order cook at the mercy of making WHATEVER your little one will eat?  Are you tired of eating “kid-foods” and wish your child was not so darn picky!?  If you said yes to any of these questions, you are not […]

How to Track Your Body Composition in the Off-Season

March 22, 2017 No Comments

Let me start this article on body composition by saying that hockey performance is not determined by body composition. However, there is an ideal body composition for you to achieve your best hockey performance. The ideal body composition for you will not be the same as someone else’s (certainly not the same as a random […]

Adapt Your Recipes to a Slow-Cooker in 5 Easy Steps

February 27, 2017 No Comments

Once you understand how a slow-cooker works, you’ll want to use it nearly all the time because of how practical it is. But you need to learn the right cooking techniques for a flawless result.

Top Restaurant Selections to Support Playoff Hockey Success

February 14, 2017 No Comments

At restaurants, just like at home, you should be aiming to eat the right proportions of foods from the hockey players plate at each meal. By now you should know what pre-game meals work for you, especially how much food you need to eat and how long you need to digest the food. The playoffs […]

dinde turkey

How to Cook the Perfect Turkey in a Few Simple Steps

December 18, 2016 No Comments

Christmas is coming and it’s safe to say many families will celebrate with the unavoidable roast turkey. But will it meet expectations? Here are some tips to help you choose the best one and cook it to perfection.

IBS Holiday Survival Guide

December 13, 2016 1 Comment

The festive period, with its parties and family reunions is fast approaching. In principle, this time of year should be synonymous with joy and getting together. But, if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the winter holiday period can easily become unpleasant. As traditional dishes often contain onions and garlic, as well as being […]


5 Surprisingly Excellent Holiday Foods for Hockey Players

November 16, 2016 No Comments

For hockey players needing a performance oriented reason to enjoy holiday food I am giving you a holiday gift: my advice on how holiday foods can actually support a top athletic performance! I am encouraging you to look at holiday foods in a different light and to try some of the classic holiday foods for […]

3 Ways to Enjoy Halloween Candy (and not overdo it)

October 28, 2016 No Comments

Are you able to enjoy Halloween candy without over-doing it?  Did you know that how we approach Halloween treats is how we will approach other food temptations?  This topic is important since every holiday (ie. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Easter) has food temptations. The good news is that we do not have to […]


The Do’s and Don’ts of Getting Lean During the Hockey Season

October 20, 2016 1 Comment

To look lean requires a low amount of superficial (just below the skin) body fat stores and a good amount of muscle mass. This is why leaning out usually involves both decreasing body fat stores and increasing muscle mass. What the average athlete has trouble understanding is that these two processes are opposing each other. […]

Top 5 Ways a Hockey Player can Keep Energy High During Busy Times

August 30, 2016 No Comments

Back-to-school means back to the busy season. Eating right and making good food choices can help keep your and your hockey players energised through the most hectic schedules. Here are 5 great ways to keep you energy up even during the busiest time.

Five Reasons to Disregard Food Sensitivity Tests

August 23, 2016 No Comments

For the past four years, I have wanted to request CBC Marketplace do an expose on the increasingly popular, “food sensitivity tests”.  These blood tests cost around $500-$700 and screen over 250 different foods to determine which foods you are “sensitive” to.  Awareness needs to be raised as millions of well-intentioned consumers are being swindled by […]

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