Category: Health and Nutrition

Five Easy Home Workout Ideas

March 15, 2011 No Comments

The term “workout” may conjure images of trainers, cardio machines, and gym memberships. But you can also get an effective workout at home.

Do you know where sugar hides?

March 8, 2011 2 Comments

Sugar is the most important food additive. It is present in a variety of packaged foods, from yogurts and cereals to salad dressings and drinks. To understand how much sugar you are eating, read the labels and use as little as possible of those products where sugar is one of the first ingredients in the […]

Good Fats, Bad Fats

February 23, 2011 4 Comments

Fat per se is not bad. It’s the type and quantity of fat that matters. Indeed, to function properly, our body needs an adequate and regular intake of fatty acids. These are stored in our body fat and constitute an energy reserve to draw from during prolonged physical exercise. In addition, fat does make food […]

Watch out for salt!

February 16, 2011 No Comments

To prevent or control high blood pressure, it is important to keep sodium intake to a minimum. For all of you who subscribe to our service, this is easy to do, since our meal plans use fresh ingredients and food that is mostly unprocessed, and therefore low in salt. Also, the flavouring in our recipes […]

healthy diet, alimentation seine

Smart weight-loss tips

January 8, 2011 No Comments

At the beginning of the year, we all make some dietary change or the other in order to get rid of those few extra kilos we put on during the holiday season… or during the previous year! But as we all know, it’s very difficult to maintain these good resolutions and weight-loss, especially without any […]

maintain weight loss, maintenir la ligne

Start the New Year Off on the Right Foot

January 2, 2010 No Comments

After tucking in to grandma’s meat pies, your aunt’s stew, a piece of Christmas log cake as well as some other holiday feasts – it will probably not come as a surprise when you step on the scale and the needle has jumped slightly.

osteoporose osteoporosis word cloud

November: osteoporosis awareness month

November 4, 2009 No Comments

When we launched the “bone-healthy” menus last September, many people asked me “why?” I feel that this is the ideal time to answer that question, since November is the month for osteoporosis awareness, a disease that strikes without warning and which should certainly not be ignored.

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