Category: Health and Nutrition

Food and nutrition myth about eating up when you are pregnant

September 27, 2013 No Comments

MYTH: When you’re pregnant, eat up! You are eating for two THE TRUTH: Pregnant women are commonly told they are “eating for two.” In reality, you need just a little more food, during the second and third trimesters, to get enough nutrients and calories to support a growing baby. Two or three extra Food Guide […]

mangeur compulsif compulsive eater

Are you a “food addict?”

September 24, 2013 No Comments

A new research from Newfoundland’s Memorial University suggests that one in 20 Canadians is a “food addict”, as determined by the Yale Food Addiction Scale. The Yale Food Addiction Scale consists of 27 statements describing eating habits such as: “I eat to the point where I feel physically ill,” and “I find myself constantly eating […]


Chill out with a frozen drink

July 19, 2013 No Comments

Frozen drinks with crushed ice are an extremely delicious way to beat the summer heat and they come in many forms such as slush, granita, frappé, etc. Refreshing and colourful, they are a huge hit with youngsters, but beware, because their nutritional profile is not very flattering… These drinks almost always consist of sweetened water, […]

voir l'etiquete, see label

What does 200 Calories look like?

July 8, 2013 No Comments

Some foods have significantly more Calories than others but what does the difference actually look like? Browsing through the web, I found a very enligthning video from ASAP Science that features 200 calorie servings of all your favourite foods, from apples to Big Macs, from wine to pizza.

Do vegetarians live longer?

June 12, 2013 No Comments

According to a new study published last week in the online version of , vegetarian diets are associated with reduced death rates. Professor Orlich of the Loma Linda University in California, and colleagues examined a group of 73,308 men and women Seventh-day Adventists, for almost 6 years between 2002 and 2007. Study participants were categorized […]

une canette de soda, a soda can

One sugar-laced soda a day raises diabetes risk by 22 per cent

April 30, 2013 No Comments

All it takes is one can of soda to increase risk of type 2 diabetes by 22%, according to a large European study published last week in Diabetologia. Using data from 25,000 people, in 8 European countries, over 16 years, researchers found that every extra 12 fluid ounce (340 mL) serving of sugar-sweetened beverage – about […]

Mediterranean food, nourriture mediterranneene

Mediterranean diet’s benefits confirmed

February 28, 2013 No Comments

Another major study was released this week on the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. This study, published on the  found that people who eat it have a 30% lower risk of heart disease than those who eat a traditional low-fat diet. Close to 7500 people participated to this study in Spain over a 5-year […]

patient docteur physician

Cardiovascular health: Check to see if you are at risk

January 30, 2013 No Comments

Every 7 minutes, someone becomes a victim of cardiovascular disease or stroke in Canada. Yet these are preventable and treatable. That is why the CHUM Cardiovascular Centre is organising “Cardiovascular disease awareness day” on February 6 and 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Grande-Place du Complexe-Desjardins, Montreal.

Caper, a Delicious Bud

January 19, 2013 No Comments

Did you know that capers are not the fruit, but the flower buds of the caper plant? They are harvested before they begin to open up. They are then dried, salted and pickled in vinegar. This is how they turn into a condiment with a tart and slightly bitter flavour. The smaller the capers, the […]

Food Safety Tips for the Holidays

December 19, 2012 No Comments

To help our readers keep healthy during the holidays, we are publishing here Health Canada’s recommendations Food is an important part of many holiday celebrations. However, many of the foods found at holiday parties, such as baked goods, eggnog, cider, seafood and turkey, can carry viruses, bacteria or parasites that could cause foodborne illness (“food […]

14 November, World Diabetes Day

November 10, 2012 No Comments

Since 1991, 14 November has provided an opportunity for raising public awareness on issues related to the diabetes epidemic, and also on resources available for its prevention. Research has demonstrated beyond any doubt that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or at least deferred by adopting a healthy lifestyle through proper diet, regular exercise and […]

Prevent osteoporosis

November 6, 2012 No Comments

As November is the month of osteoporosis, this is the perfect opportunity to remind everyone about the importance of taking care of our bones. It is diet that provides the necessary foods for building and maintaining bones, mainly with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and protein. When the body lacks calcium, the skeleton provides the missing calcium. […]

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