Category: Health and Nutrition

Food Guide for a Balanced Diet

Should Juice Be Banned from the Food Guide?

September 17, 2015 No Comments

Last week, the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) published an article entitled “Food Guide under Fire at Obesity Summit”.  One of the main issues was how fruit juice (125mL) is counted towards a fruit and vegetable serving on the Food Guide.  With this logic, having a couple cups of juice daily could help you reach […]

chocolate, chocolat

When Pleasure rhymes with Health…in 7 foods

September 16, 2015 No Comments

Three times a day, 365 days a year, there is meal after meal. We’d like to give our family and ourselves the very best foods for our health, spending time and energy shopping and cooking. And we’re constantly bombarded from all sides with “healthy messages” (eat less fat, more fiber, no cholesterol, gluten-free, etc.). Sometimes […]

Flavour Gain without the Pain

September 15, 2015 No Comments

Do you feel that your food is less tasty ever since you started following a low FODMAP diet? Were you gutted when you found out that onions and garlic have a high FODMAP* content? Here are some tips for adding flavour to your meals, without causing discomforts.

breakfast petit déjeuner

Breakfast is really important…

September 4, 2015 No Comments

We already know that skipping breakfast is bad for weight, but now an American study reveals another repercussion: Researchers followed 26,902 men aged between 45 and 82, and working in the field of health, for this study that lasted from 1992 to 2008. The findings reveal that men who don’t have breakfast have 27% more […]

Is Your Fridge Stocked for Healthy Eating Success?

September 1, 2015 No Comments

Healthy eating can be a challenge. After all, we live in a fast-paced society where convenience is a major predictor of food choice.   With this in mind, I would like you to open your fridge and tell me the first three things you see. According to food behaviour researcher Brian Wansink, we tend to consume […]

cure de jus, juice cure

Juices: Miracle Cure?

August 21, 2015 No Comments

Juice cures have become increasingly popular in recent years. Their “detoxifying” power, which contributes to weight loss is touted as a sales pitch, to promote them. Juice cures promise to make us feel better about our bodies, but what’s the truth behind this new fad?

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Separating Fact From Fiction

August 17, 2015 1 Comment

Do you feel like you’ve tried all the treatments for irritable bowel syndrome and you’re now tempted to try your hand at alternative methods? In this article, I’ll untangle the rumours from the facts to help you make the best decision possible. Hope this enlightens you, so let’s get started right away!

oats, gluten free

Certified gluten-free oats, great news for celiac disease sufferers

July 28, 2015 No Comments

Since last May, Health Canada allows gluten-free claims labelling for specially produced “pure oats” with gluten content under 20 ppm.

elderly active couple, couple agés et actifs

Ten Tips for Healthy Aging

July 19, 2015 No Comments

In order to age successfully, our goal is to make our health last as long as possible.  In my previous blog, I addressed the top five nutritional changes that occur as we age.  Today, I will highlight my top 10 nutrition tips for healthy aging. My intention is to urge even one reader to take […]

Deciphering the Labelling for a Low FODMAP Diet

July 19, 2015 No Comments

We have already seen which foods to avoid when following a low FODMAP* diet. Avoiding individual foods such as apples, honey or wheat is rather simple. What is more complicated is figuring out whether a food or dish consisting of several ingredients contains few or many FODMAPs! For example, how do you choose a bread […]

BMI, a valuable tool?

July 7, 2015 No Comments

According to the WHO, BMI (Body Mass Index) is a tool that evaluates the general level of obesity. Different weight categories can be associated with a risk of developing certain diseases. BMI has the advantage of being easy to use: only two pieces of information are required, namely weight and height. This tool is so […]

red blood cells, globules rouges

Are you at risk for iron deficiency?

June 29, 2015 No Comments

According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, iron plays an essential role in human body functioning. Iron is involved in delivering oxygen to cells and regulating growth. Therefore, when there is a shortage of iron, oxygen supply to the cells becomes limited, leading to fatigue, poor work performance, pallor and decreased immune function. These symptoms are also known as anemia. However, too much iron is dangerous and […]

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