Category: Health and Nutrition


Guide to the Main Types of Tofu

November 28, 2022 No Comments

Tofu is a food widely used in Asian, vegetarian, and vegan cuisines. Available in several varieties, tofu is an excellent substitute for meat consumption, a healthy, economical and ecological choice, but it is still necessary to know how to choose, use, and preserve it.

Eggs and Cholesterol, What’s the Verdict?

November 13, 2022 No Comments

We need cholesterol to function. The body makes most of the cholesterol it needs, and the rest comes from food. Eggs are high in dietary cholesterol and contribute to about 25% of the cholesterol content in the United States. One large egg contains about 186 mg of cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol is also found in seafood, […]

alimentation cardiovasculaire

8 Tips to Improve Your Cholesterol and Lipid Profile

November 5, 2022 1 Comment

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for 30% of all deaths. A significant proportion of people have a high level of cholesterol, but many of them do not know it, because they do not feel sick. If left untreated, this problem increases the risk of suffering from CVD. A poor […]

cultiver des pousses

How to Grow Sprouts

September 26, 2022 2 Comments

Growing sprouts is a relatively easy gardening project. Indeed, it requires very little material and space, and green shoots have a short growth period and can be grown year-round!

FODMAP: Top Foods from Each Family

September 26, 2022 No Comments

FODMAPs are fermentable carbohydrates that may be partly responsible for symptoms in people with IBS. These sugars can be poorly digested and thus accumulate in the small intestine. For more information about the low FODMAP diet, please read this article. There are five FODMAP families: fructans, fructose, lactose, polyols, and GOS. Fructans can be classified […]

Camelina Oil, Rich in Omega-3

September 3, 2022 No Comments

In recent years a new oil has appeared on the shelves of grocery stores: camelina oil. Given its high price, you might like to learn more about the organoleptic qualities and health benefits of this oil before buying it.


Is there a specialised diet for psoriasis?

August 22, 2022 2 Comments

Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases, due to both familial factors and autoimmune mechanisms. Prevalence among the Asian and African population is low (2%), while it reaches 11% in the Caucasian population. Psoriasis can go through periods of remission and periods of relapse.

Young troubled woman

IBS: When FODMAP is Not the Solution

July 12, 2022 No Comments

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is defined by the Rome IV criteria, according to which a person may have IBS if they have experienced recurrent abdominal pain at least once a week on average for the past three months, and that pain is associated with at least two of the following conditions: defecation a change in […]

Les bijoux peuvent contenir du nickel

A Nickel Allergy and Diet: a Possible Link?

June 29, 2022 No Comments

Nickel is a metal that is found in water, soil, air and the biosphere. It is used with other metals to form alloys and is widely used in the production of stainless steel. Nickel is one of the main elements responsible for allergic contact dermatitis.

Fruits riches en eau

TOP 10 Water-Rich Foods

June 26, 2022 No Comments

Water is the most important element of our body. It accounts for 60 to 65 % of the weight of adults. This proportion varies according to age and decreases over the years. In order to compensate for the losses (about 2 liters per day), we must drink daily. Some of this hydration can come from […]

monosodium glutamate

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): How to Replace it

June 17, 2022 7 Comments

Monosodium glutamate, also known as sodium glutamate, or MSG, is the sodium salt of glutamic acid. It occurs naturally in many foods, including peas, mushrooms, tomatoes and some cheeses. It is used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer, as it balances and improves the overall perception of other foods, conferring the umami effect.

Jeunes pousses

Green Shoots and Sprouts: Benefits and Risks

June 10, 2022 No Comments

Green shoots and sprouts are seeds of vegetables, legumes, cereals, grasses, or nuts and seeds that are germinated and picked a few days/weeks after they have germinated, before they become plants in their own right.

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