Category: Health and Nutrition

Fruit Juice Ice Smoothie

5 Fake Health Foods to Avoid at All Cost

December 31, 2017 No Comments

Source of fiber and omega 3, without trans-fats, no added sugar, made with whole grains, etc., many products presented as being good for health, can be the complete opposite. Let’s learn to recognize 5 fake health foods!

Our 10 most popular articles of 2017

December 26, 2017 No Comments

Organic food, veganism, migraine, sleep disorders, sport: here are some topics that caught your eye in 2017. Since it’s now time to take stock of the year, we have listed here the 10 most popular articles of 2017.

Can Fasting Help Prevent and Manage Chronic Disease?

December 21, 2017 No Comments

As mentioned in my article Fasting to Live Longer?, I will now talk to you about the role of fasting in weight loss and weight management, in some chronic illnesses and in cancer.


Fasting to Live Longer?

December 21, 2017 No Comments

Fasting seems to be the new trendy thing to do. Whether that’s fasting for a few hours, a few days, or intermittently, a host of benefits are associated with it. But are the benefits real?

5 Simple Tips to Reduce Your Body Fat without Dieting

December 14, 2017 No Comments

Body weight includes fat, but also your muscle mass, bone mass and water. Restrictive diets result in rapid weight loss by reducing fat, but also muscle mass and water. Long term, you gain the weight back, and even more. If you just want to reduce your body fat and maintain the fat loss in the […]

How to Train Your Brain to Love Healthy Foods

December 4, 2017 2 Comments

It’s a well-known fact that regularly consuming foods that are high in sugar, fat or salt increases your desire to eat these foods. A recent study looked at whether a repeated exposure to healthier foods could in the same way increase their palatability and our desire to consume them.

Boost athletic performance with these micronutrients

November 28, 2017 No Comments

Want an extra edge at your next sporting event? We often see improvements in performance with training and believe we have reached our maximum potential, but having the right foods before, during, and after a game or competition will increase your physical and mental performance even more.

Santa Claus belly is contagious!

November 23, 2017 No Comments

It’s that time of the year again, where alcohol and food flow together in never ending parties. Who was never told: ‘‘I know you want another piece of cake, come on, it’s the holidays!’’ Without really thinking, we loosen up our pants and gobble it up even though we know we should have stopped after […]

Time to Take a Vitamin D Supplement!

November 17, 2017 No Comments

There’s no agreed consensus regarding serum levels of Vitamin D or how much to supplement. What we do know is that most people are deficient in vitamin D, and that this increases the risk of a number of health problems. How do you know if this is the case for you, and whether you should […]

5 Diet Tips to Avoid Acid Reflux

November 15, 2017 No Comments

According to statistics, up to 25% of people suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The symptoms can be varied, but in most cases, this means heartburn.

6 Steps for Preventing Muscular Cramps During Exercise

October 31, 2017 No Comments

Is there anything worse than getting a muscular cramp or stich in your side during training? While you might have heard that muscular cramps are due to dehydration or a lack of electrolytes, this theory is increasingly put in doubt, and it seems that there are other factors at play. An increasing number of studies […]

women health

5 Tips: Eating Well for Women’s Health

October 30, 2017 1 Comment

Eating well is vital for everyone. Women have particular needs depending what stage of life they are in. Here are 5 tips.

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