Category: Health and Nutrition

dietary supplements

Are Dietary Supplements Useful and How to Choose Between Them?

June 2, 2018 2 Comments

The use of nutritional supplements among athletes is widespread. Nearly nine out of ten Canadian athletes take supplements. Sports drinks, multivitamins and protein powders are among the most popular. Athletes that use supplements usually want to prevent nutritional deficiencies, increase their energy level, recover better after exercise, optimize their body composition or increase their muscle […]

Common Diet Myths and Arthritis

May 29, 2018 No Comments

So you have arthritis and you’ve heard that if you eat golden raisins soaked in gin you’ll get cured? Patients tell this to doctors all the time. But there is not even the smallest piece of scientific evidence to support that. None at all. It just doesn’t work. If you enjoy the flavor of golden […]

lifestyle habits

5 Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Follow So You Can Live Longer

May 29, 2018 No Comments

It is well known that the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits can prevent chronic diseases, improve health and increase life expectancy. In fact, one study in the United States found that 61% of premature deaths, 52% of cancer deaths and 72% of cardiovascular deaths could be attributed to poor lifestyle habits. If you knew that […]

carbohydrates glucides

Quantity of Carbohydrates in Our Diabetes Meal Plan

May 28, 2018 No Comments

We recently received a comment from one of our diabetes menu users who was puzzled by the amount of carbohydrates in the menu. It seemed to him higher than the official recommendations… What at first glance may seem true, is in fact due to the exceptional precision of our system. I take this opportunity to […]

soya soy

Is it Risky to Eat Soy?

May 22, 2018 No Comments

Plant based proteins, through their beneficial effects on health and the environment, are gaining popularity among those seeking to move away from animal proteins. Soybeans are a legume native to Asia found in a variety of foods such as tofu, tempeh, miso, edamame and soy beverages. They are rich in protein, fiber, good unsaturated fats […]

wheat blé

Look for Gluten… or Rather Fructans

May 22, 2018 No Comments

Many people choose to eliminate gluten for all kinds of reasons. The most common one? To improve their well-being and stop digestive disorders. A large majority of these people see their symptoms improving. It is, therefore, easy to make a direct link between stopping gluten consumption and the reduction of symptoms. Hence the name non-celiac […]


SOSCuisine Now Helps Canadian Celiac From Coast To Coast!

May 15, 2018 No Comments

In this beautiful month of May, which is dedicated in many countries to raising the awareness of celiac disease, it is with great pleasure that we announce our newest partnership with the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA). The CCA is committed to informing, supporting, and advising people with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders.

pomme perte de poids

The 3 Most Popular Weight Loss Trends

May 8, 2018 No Comments

Miraculous techniques and products are advertised almost everywhere, touting their fast and impressive weight loss properties. But are they really effective? Let’s get a clearer picture on the top 3 popular trends aimed at weight loss right now.

Energy Gels: How Many Should You Take During a Race?

April 26, 2018 No Comments

It is well established that carbohydrate consumption during a marathon is associated with improved performance. This is why many runners take gels during their race, but how many should they take and when?

sommeil sleep

6 Reasons Why You Should Prioritize Your Sleep

April 23, 2018 No Comments

Sleep is vital for health, both physical and mental. It is recommended to sleep between seven and nine hours per night. Yet about a third of Canadian adults sleep less than seven hours a night. Here are six reasons why you should prioritize your sleep starting now!

Maintaining Your Weight Loss Long-Term, Is it Possible?

April 23, 2018 No Comments

Until now, the majority of studies have told us that after a restrictive diet, people tend to return to their usual weight, even when weight loss has been significant. This slightly fatalistic statement could be put in question following a recent study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology. This study concludes that, if weight […]

3 Tips to Avoid Digestive Issues and Have Enough Energy During Exercise

April 16, 2018 No Comments

Have you ever experienced a sudden drop in energy, or digestive issues during exercise? Here are 3 simple tips to help you figure out what and when to eat before training to avoid these inconveniences.

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