Category: Events

Is your recipe worth $250,000?

February 17, 2011 2 Comments

Food Network Canada is hosting an open call session in Montreal this coming Saturday, Feb. 19 and in Toronto on Feb. 26. Finalists compete for $25,000 in each one of 7 categories and a grand prize of $250,000 as well as a chance for their recipe being developed into a new President’s Choice product.


Oranges: King of citrus

January 10, 2011 No Comments

The citrus fruit season is in full swing. We all know that they are an excellent source of vitamin C. In this regard, orange is the champion fruit. However, given that vitamin C quickly turns sour on coming into contact with air, it is better to consume only freshly squeezed orange juice or better still, […]

Sumptuous recipes for New Year’s Eve

December 26, 2010 No Comments

With only a few days to go before the big night, I want to suggest some really simple recipes for you, presented in our usual manner, but which will definitely impress your guests on this very special occasion.

Tasty recipes for the holiday season

December 20, 2010 No Comments

Today, I’d like to recommend some versatile dishes that are not only suitable for everyday meals but can also take the place of honour in a special holiday meal. In fact, where is it written that we have to spend hours behind the stove during the holiday season?

Saint Lucy’s Day, the Festival of Lights

December 13, 2010 No Comments

December 13 is the Feast of Saint Lucy of Syracuse. Formerly celebrated in all of Western Christendom, it is celebrated especially today in Scandinavia, and in particular, in Sweden. The name Lucy is derived from the Latin word lux, meaning light. And it is this light that is honored during the celebrations.

I shook hands with Senator Dallaire

November 4, 2010 No Comments

I am just coming back from the CJAD radio station where I drop by on Kim Fraser’s show every Thursday with the week’s grocery specials. Kim’s next guest was Senator Romeo Dallaire, who was invited to discuss his latest book “They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children”. There was no time to talk to […]

elderly active couple, couple agés et actifs

It’s time to take care of your bones

October 30, 2010 No Comments

November is the month of osteoporosis, a disease that is characterized by a weakening of bones that leads to fractures, especially in the hip, vertebral column and the wrist. In most cases, bones become fragile due to a lack of calcium, phosphorous and other minerals.

Quail for Thanksgiving

October 7, 2010 No Comments

This year, I propose that you replace the traditional turkey with another bird that is very small in size and has tasty and delicate brown flesh: quail. This is a small migratory bird (about 15 cm long) that lives in the wild in Europe, Africa and Asia. It looks a lot like the partridge but […]

Wine harvest festival … in Quebec

September 4, 2010 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on September 4, 2010. Viticulture or vine growing in Quebec has its roots in experiments carried out by the first colonists when they were settling down here. When Jacques Cartier sailed up the St. Lawrence in 1535, he discovered wild grapes on our beautiful Île d’Orléans in Quebec, […]

Happy birthday Peru!

July 28, 2010 No Comments

Today, July 28, Peru celebrates its national independence day. To honour this joyous occasion, I invite you to prepare a Peruvian speciality: Ceviche. Cooling down with a “Ceviche” Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on May 25, 2007.

Happy Italian Republic Day

June 2, 2010 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on June 2, 2007. You’d imagine that the Italian national holiday would be celebrated when our soccer team wins the World Cup… but no! It’s today that we are commemorating the 64th anniversary of our republic, which was declared on June 2, 1946.

Workers’ Day

May 1, 2010 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on May 1, 2010. In many countries, May 1 is celebrated as International Workers’ Day (or May Day), whereas in North America, we celebrate the first Monday in September as Labour Day.

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