Category: Events

Viva Mexico!

May 5, 2011 No Comments

Mexicans are celebrating “Cinco de Mayo” (Spanish for “fifth of May”) today. This holiday commemorates their victory over the French at Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. This is not the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico, but it is observed outside Mexico as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. You are […]

A few more days to see “Schwartz’s: The Musical”

May 2, 2011 No Comments

If you wonder what this subject has to do with our “Pestoblog”, it means you don’t know about Montreal’s famous Hebrew delicatessen. I took in the show last week and like everyone else who has ever enjoyed a smoked meat sandwich at Schwartz, I enjoyed every moment of the brilliant script and storyline.

Easter, the feast of spring

April 24, 2011 No Comments

Since 325 A.D., Christian churches in the Occident have been celebrating Easter according to the Gregorian calendar, that is, on the first Sunday after the full moon, following the spring equinox.


Easter Lamb

April 23, 2011 No Comments

Lamb is a well-established, traditional Easter meal all over the Christian world. In fact, it is an important symbol of Christianity, because it perfectly represents the notions of innocence and obedience that are linked to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. What’s more, Hebrews were already eating lamb during the Jewish Easter (Passover), in this case […]

Kosher food

April 18, 2011 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on April 13, 2008. The great feast of Pessa’h, or the Jewish Passover that starts at sunset this evening, commemorates the Hebrew exodus from Egypt. So this is a perfect occasion to explain the main rules of kosher foods, that is, foods that are “suitable” or “clean” for […]

Gourmet recipes for Easter

April 15, 2011 No Comments

We at always try and aim at suggesting tasty, simple and quick dishes for the weekdays, so that you can eat well for less. The choice of these dishes depends on the seasonal availability of fresh ingredients and the specials advertised in the flyers of the major grocery stores. As we are about a […]

Eat Well and Live Green Expo in Quebec City

April 1, 2011 No Comments

Thanks to the kindness of Renée Frappier, President of the Eat Well and Live Green Expo, we found a booth at the last minute and could therefore present the latest developments at SOSCuisine at the Quebec City venue, last weekend. Interestingly, among the many visitors who visited us at the booth, we had the pleasure […]

3,000 visitors at the SOSCuisine booth!

March 25, 2011 2 Comments

We spent three long and satisfying days at the 2011 Eat Well and Living Green Expo last weekend at the Palais des congrès in Montreal. We offered a sneak peek of our ‘SOSCuisine Plus’ service, which will revolutionize the manner in which you plan your shopping at the supermarket and which will let you reap maximum […]

World Salt Awareness Week

March 23, 2011 No Comments

The average Canadian eats 3 times more salt (1) than what is recommended, and 50% more than the tolerable upper intake level. As a result, nearly 5 million (2) of us suffer from hypertension, which is a major risk factor for stroke.

World Water Day

March 22, 2011 No Comments

Today, March 22, is World Water Day, a time to focus public attention on the critical water issues of our era. Have you thought about what you can do to preserve this precious resource? Check out this video for 6 easy steps that you can do everyday. And please share with fellow readers and friends […]

Irish blood runs in Quebec veins

March 17, 2011 No Comments

March 17th is St. Patrick’s day, and this year many of us will be only too happy to dress up in green, sport an Irish clover and get together with friends and enjoy a couple of beers.

Visit the Eat well and Living Green show!

March 10, 2011 No Comments

The 14th edition of the “Eat Well and Living Green” show (Expo Manger Santé) will take place March 18-20 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. The other venue is Quebec City, on March 26-27, at the Convention Center. TV host Joël Legendre is yet again the spokesperson for the show. Joël will be helped […]

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