Category: Events

What you always wanted to know about sleep but were afraid to ask…

May 7, 2012 No Comments

On average, an adult needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night. However, half of us sleep less than that on weeknights, because of our high-paced lifestyle or due to sleep disorders.

Viva el Cinco de Mayo

May 5, 2012 No Comments

Today, our Mexican friends are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Puebla that the ill-equipped troops of General Zaragoza won against the mighty French army on May 5, 1862. Despite this victory, the French eventually won the war and remained in Mexico until the execution of Emperor Maximilian in 1867.

Growing vegetables in pots

May 1, 2012 No Comments

If becoming an “urban gardener” is one of your dreams, but you don’t tell a tomato plant from a cucumber plant, you may be interested in the conference of renowned horticulturist Albert Mondor, this Wednesday, May 2 to 19 pm in the Montreal Mile End library (in French). Albert will disclose his tips for a […]

no-crust quiche

Easter brunch

April 7, 2012 No Comments

Everyone knows that “brunch” is a meal that is consumed between late morning and early afternoon (between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.), and that it combines food and drinks that are common both at breakfast as well as lunch. But few people know the origin of this meal that is so popular, especially on weekends […]

Turn off your lights to save the planet

March 31, 2012 No Comments

On the last Saturday of March, citizens all around the world are invited to make a collective gesture to tackle climate change by turning off their lights for one hour.


Sleep apnea, an unrecognized disorder

March 16, 2012 No Comments

Today, March 16, is World Sleep Apnea Day, a potentially dangerous condition, which is still largely unknown to the public, and yet affects one in six adults. Those who suffer from it experience short pauses in breathing while sleeping. These breathing pauses – called “apnea” – last between10 to 30 seconds, sometimes longer, and they […]

CONTEST: Let’s hurt heart disease

February 22, 2012 No Comments

Heart & Stroke Foundation needs you to reach before the end of February its goal of one million actions to make death wait. The SOSCuisine community being 250,000 strong, if each one of us takes one minute to take action, this goal can be reached quicker and even exceeded. To give you one more reason […]

CONTEST: Help us be… hated even more ;-)

February 15, 2012 4 Comments

Heart disease already hates SOSCuisine because of its heart-healthy meal plans. Help us be hated even more and make death wait. To give you one more reason to ACT NOW, here’s a CONTEST. To enter, follow these 2 simple steps: STEP 1: Go to our page Smart Meal Plans for a Healthy Heart and Like […]

bouquet fleurs saint-valentin romantique

Have a Happy and “Heart-Healthy” Valentine’s Day!

February 11, 2012 No Comments

February is not only the month in which Valentine’s Day falls, but also the month during which awareness is raised about the heart and cardiovascular diseases that attack so many of us (the cause of one third of all premature deaths in the population).

CONTEST: Join the movement to make death wait

February 7, 2012 3 Comments

February is Heart Month. The month for Valentine’s day, happily. But also, and much less happily so, the month during which 5,000 Canadians will die of stroke or heart disease. A third of your good friends will die prematurely for the same reason. Unless… you act and encourage them to act: To give you one […]

El Wingador is no more the Wing Bowl King

February 6, 2012 No Comments

I must admit I had never heard about El Wingador until last Friday. That’s when a good friend of mine – who is fascinated by competitive eaters – pointed me to the 9-minute video that Oscar-winning filmaker Errol Morris made about Bill “El Wingador” Simmons. He is the best known competitive eater, having been the […]

A dinner-concert for your Valentine

February 3, 2012 No Comments

If you’re looking for somethig special for your Valentine (and for yourself) and happen to be in Montreal next Friday, Feb 10th, here’s a suggestion: A dinner-concert with opera music and love songs at the TribuTerre bistro 2590 Jarry Est*.

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