Category: Events

Looking for ideas for Easter lunch?

April 1, 2010 No Comments

This column aims at suggesting tasty, simple and quick dishes for the whole week, and these dishes are based the seasonal availability of fresh ingredients and the specials advertised in the flyers of the main food retailers.

The taste of spring

March 21, 2010 No Comments

Spring arrived yesterday! According to astronomy, this season starts with the spring equinox, (from the Latin aequinoctium or aequus meaning ‘equal’ and nox meaning ‘night’). It signifies the first of two specific moments in the year when day and night are equal in length.

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

March 17, 2010 No Comments

You don’t need to have Celtic blood in your veins to celebrate the festival of the Irish patron saint (although it’s said that 40% of people in Quebec can trace at least one Irish ancestor).

A day to celebrate

March 8, 2010 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on March 8, 2008. International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world. It’s a tradition that represents 100 years of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.

March is nutrition month

March 1, 2010 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on March 7, 2009. March is the official month of nutrition. This campaign has been steadily growing since the early 1980s, and has now become one of Canada’s most successful social marketing campaigns. Events and publicity drives are organized everywhere to highlight the importance of good nutrition for […]

A stress-free turkey for Christmas

December 23, 2009 No Comments

Ever since it was served in a meal to the first famished colonialists, turkey has become the traditional dish during Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. It is a popular choice of meat even more nowadays, because of its low fat content and exceptionally high protein and vitamin content.

Sumptuous recipes for the holiday season

December 19, 2009 No Comments

Originally published in Journal de Montréal on December 27, 2008. This week I’d like to suggest some really simple recipes for you, presented in our usual manner, but which will definitely impress your guests if you are receiving friends and family during these holidays.

Hanukkah, let the light shine!

December 12, 2009 No Comments

Originally published in Journal de Montréal on December 12, 2009. The great Jewish festival of Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the altar of offerings in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, following an important military victory against the enemies of Israel in 165 BC.

Let’s celebrate by eating locally!

December 8, 2009 No Comments

‘Terra Madre’ Day will be celebrated for the very first time on December 10, 2009. To mark this occasion, you are invited to organize an activity that encourages and supports local food products. Even as I write this, more than 800 events are already being planned in more than 100 countries.

osteoporose osteoporosis word cloud

November: osteoporosis awareness month

November 4, 2009 No Comments

When we launched the “bone-healthy” menus last September, many people asked me “why?” I feel that this is the ideal time to answer that question, since November is the month for osteoporosis awareness, a disease that strikes without warning and which should certainly not be ignored.

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2009 No Comments

Many people believe that Halloween has its roots in a Celtic religious festival. Its name however, originates from English as it is a distortion of All Hallow Even, which literally means “the evening of all hallowed saints”, or the eve of the Christian festival, All Saints’ Day.

It’s time for Oktoberfest!

September 23, 2009 No Comments

Oktoberfest, the great Munich beer festival took place for the first time on October 12, 1810 to celebrate the marriage of Prince Ludwig (who later became King Louis I of Bavaria).

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