Year: 2016

Seasonal allergies: Foods to avoid and foods to favour

May 5, 2016 No Comments

Springtime is a difficult time for those who suffer from seasonal allergies because their immune systems react excessively to normally inoffensive stimuli, like pollen. The body identifies pollen as an invader and to fight, generates a chemical called histamine which normally protects the body. It’s what produces the usual symptoms of seasonal allergies: coughing, sniffling, […]


Kefir Fever

May 5, 2016 2 Comments

When strolling down the dairy aisle have you noticed kefir, a cousin of yogurt? Kefir (pronounced “kuh-FEER”) is a dairy beverage made by adding kefir “grains”, which are pellets of yeast bacteria, to milk and heating it to produce a drink. It is like a “drinkable yogurt” with a similar taste, but with a much […]

Do You Need a Spring Cleanse?

May 5, 2016 No Comments

The word “detox” or “cleanse” sounds so powerful, right? Like it will work some serious magic. Advocates of the “cleanse diet” say it will reset your body; improve energy, digestion, metabolism etc. But does it? What is involved in this drinkable concoction and is it worth your hard earned cash? As a society, we are […]

bread pain

In Defense of Carbs

May 5, 2016 No Comments

“I have been cutting my carbs”, “I am avoiding carbs”, “I don’t eat carbs” – these are all things I frequently hear from conscientious dieters. “After all,” they say, “aren’t carbs bad for me?” Thank you Dr. Atkins for leaving people so confused and worried about this misunderstood macronutrient. Contrary to popular belief, carbs are […]

Lactose Intolerance: What Is It?

May 4, 2016 No Comments

Many people seem to be lactose intolerant… but what does that actually mean? Is it a milk allergy? Is it necessary to completely avoid dairy products at all costs? Let me answer these questions and give you a few tips to improve your tolerance if you are intolerant to lactose.

International No Diet Day

International No Diet Day

May 4, 2016 No Comments

This article was originally written on May 4, 2016 and updated on May 4, 2021. In order to take steps against the propaganda of weight loss diets, International No Diet Day came into being. The idea came to a British woman, Mary Evans Young, also a long time anorexic, who was teaching management courses for […]

restaurant outdoor dining

Restaurant Day: eat at your neighbour’s place!

May 2, 2016 No Comments

Do you dream of opening your own restaurant and serving people the dish that made you famous at office parties? You want to discover the hidden culinary talents of the people you pass every day in the street? Then Restaurant Day is for you!

TOP 10 SOSCuisine Recipes

May 1, 2016 No Comments

We prepared the short list of the best SOSCuisine recipes. See which ones were both best rated and most often saved in the cookbooks of our 350,000 members. If you are surprised to find a fish recipe at the top of the list, “Sole Fillets Florentine-Style”, please note that it is a very tasty recipe […]

Children with GERD

Gluten-Free Casein-free Diet and Autism

April 26, 2016 No Comments

There are many examples of families who have tried removing gluten and casein from their autistic child’s diet. However, results are mixed, as much from a scientific point of view as in practice. In this article, I’ll give a brief overview of autism and then I’ll tell you about the gluten-free casein-free (GFCF) diet and […]

fitness fruits

TOP 5: Smoothie Recipes

April 25, 2016 No Comments

What’s the difference between juices and smoothies: The only major difference between juice and smoothies, is that one of the two contains fiber (good choice) while the other doesn’t (less great choice)… Which is which? You might have already guessed that smoothies are the winning choice with all their fiber!

Launch of the campaign to “Demand Labelling” for GMOs in Quebec

April 25, 2016 No Comments

Vigilance OGM is pleased to announce the launch Demand Labelling, a campaign for mandatory labelling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Quebec. The campaign will empower the people of Quebec to demand the right to know where GMOs are on their plates and to contribute to make Quebec the first province in Canada, and the […]

Should I eat a low carb diet in the off-season?

April 22, 2016 No Comments

High carb foods can be your best tool to perform well while executing sprinting or power movements. However, carbs can also hinder you if you eat too much of them. Simple unrefined carbs from white breads, processed cereals, and candies are the most confusing as there are many times when these are not good to […]

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